Great Meeting in Eyre Square To—day

The Galway Observer, 18th March, 1922

To—day an immense gathering assembled in Eyre Square in support of the Treaty. Several thousands were present, who attended closely to the speakers while a large number of people were scattered all over the Square, who it was apparent were quite in sympathy with the objects of the meeting.

Dr. Dillon occupied the chair and made an effective speech. Mr Nicolls, T.D., followed with a closely reasoned speech for the Treaty, which was well received.

Prof. Whelehan, T.D., made a rousing speech, in which he delt in a trenchant manner with the contention of those who are opposed to it. Padraic O'Maille made an effective speech, which was heartily cheered.

All the whole way of the meeting the crowd of several thousands which was around the platform gave unmistakable evidence that the Treaty was what they wanted. There was no interruption to the speakers, nor even a discordant voice amongst the vast crowd who were assembled in front of the platform.

The speakers however had opposition from another quarter.

At the side of the Square opposite Mr Mackie's occurred what might be expected. A number of young men gathered round one person or another who was addressing them. There was probably only two or three dozen in the crowd, but they made up in lungs what they wanted in numbers, and they didn't spare their cheers.

Of course it had no effect on the meeting. In fact it only served to show by contrast the small extent of that party in Galway.

A body of military I.R.A. were drawn up up one side of the Square opposite the Royal Hotel, presumably in case of disturbance, but their services were not required.

The whole affair passed off quietly.