Death of Sir Valentine Blake Hart., M.P.

Galway Vindicator, 3rd February, 1847

With feelings of the most painful regret we have to record the demise of Sir Valentine Blake., M.P., on the 30th ult., at his seat, Menlo Castle. The hon. baronet was for a considerable time labouring under the effects of paralysis ; but, until rendered altogether incapable, never failed a moment in attending to his parliamentary duties. He was through life eminently distinguished for the most polished manners, kindliness, and amenity of disposition, and extreme liberality of political sentiment. He was elected three times as one of the representatives for this town. He was first elected in 1812, and again in 1818.

When Sir Valentine Blake first entered on political life, not only was the local corporation, but even the representation of the town, completely in the hands of the Dunsandle family. The borough and corporation were equally close, and it was the distinguished merit of the deceased baronet to have contributed, as the leader of the Liberals of Galway, in eventually placing both the one and the other under the control of the inhabitants. He lost the representation in 1821. In the struggle for Catholic Emancipation, he took an earnest and very successful part ; for it was upon his advice that O'Connell, in 1828, determined upon offering himself for the representation of Clare. In 1841 the hon. baronet was again called on to start for the representation of the town on Repeal principles, and was returned without a contest. Since then he continued to devote himself to his parliamentary duties with the utmost zeal ; but when he found himself physically incapable for their due performance, he intimated his intention to resign. That intimation was given the week before last, but we don't know whether it was carried into effect previous to his death. His remains were deposited on yesterday in the family vault at Menlo, in presence of a large concourse of the inhabitants, and the gentry of the town and county. The deceased baronet was in the 66th year of his age, and his title and estates descend to his eldest son Thomas Edward.