Tramways & Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883 and Acts Incorporated Therewith — Ballinasloe & Mountbellew Steam Tramways
Western News and Weekly Examiner, June 12th, 1884
[Construction of Tramways between Ballinasloe and Mountbellew in the County of Galway; Tolls; Compulsory Purchase of Land, Guarantee of Dividend by the Baronies of Killian, Tiaquin, Kilconnell, and Cloumacnowen, in the County of Galway. Arrangements with Midland Great Western Railway Company and other Companies, Guage, Incorporation of Acts and other purposes] Notice is hereby give, that an application is intended to be made by the Ballinasloe and Mountbellew Steam Tramway company (Limited), hereinafter referred to as "The Company", to the Lord Lieutenant in Council through the Grand Jury of the County of Galway at the next ensuing Spring Assizes for said County for an Order in Connell under the Provisions of "The Tramways (Ireland) Act 1861", "The Tramways (Ireland) Amendment (Dublin) Act 1876", "The Tramways Amendment Act 1881", and "The Tramways and Public Companies Act 1888", for the following purpose, or some of them :—
To authorise and empower the Company, or any company, to be incorporated by such Order to make and maintain the Tramways hereinafter directed, or some part or parts thereof respectively, with all proper works and conveniences connected therewith, that is to say : — A Tramway commencing in the Townland of Town Parks, in the Parish of Kilclooney, at a point in the public street, 5 chains or thereabouts measured along said public highway, in a Southerly direction from the South end of the courthouse, in the Town of Ballinasloe, in the County of Galway, and terminating in the Townland of Treaurevagh, in the Parish of Moylough, at a point in the centre of the public highway or q'aure, in the Town of Mountbellew, County Galway.
The said intended Tramway No 1 will pass from, through, or into the several Townlands, Parishes, and places following, or some of them, that is to say :—
Townlands of Townparks, Cleaghmore, Deerpark and Kilcloony, in the Parish of Kilgerril, and Barony of Clonmacnowen.
Townlands of Killure Castle, Killure Beg, Caltraghlea, and Fairfield, in the Parish of Kilgerril, and Barony of Clonmacnowen.
Townlands of Sonuagh, in the Parish of Fohenagh, Barony of Clonmacnowen.
Townland of Lowville, in the Parish of Fohenagh, Barony of Clonmacnowen.
Townland of Ahascragh west, in the Parish of Ahascragh, in the Barony of Kilconnell.
Townlands of Mountain, and Kilglass, in the Parish of Ahascragh, in the Barony of Clonmacnowen.
Townlands of Ballybawn, and Clonbrock, Parish of Ahascragh in the Barony of Kilconnell.
Townlands of Lurgan, and Lislea, in the Parish of Killosolan, in the Barony of Kilconnell.
Townlands of Caltra—Pallas, Caltra, Caltra—Pallas (part of), Kinclare, Course, Lisbagree, Greenville, and Islands, in the Parish of Killosolan, Barony of Tiaquin.
Townlands of Bovinion, Mount Bellew, And Treanrevagh, in the Parish of Moylough in the Barony of Killian, all in the County of Galway.
To enable the Company or any such Company for all or any of the purposes of said undertaking, to purchase or acquire land by compulsion or agreement, to enable the Company exclusive to use, and to levy tolls, rates, and charges, for the use of the proposed Tramways, by Carriages, Engines and horses, passing along the same, and for the conveyance of passengers or other traffic upon the same.
To authorise the Company to use either Animal, Steam, or Mechanical Power for the conveyance of traffic along the tramways.
To enable the Company on the one hand, and the Midland Great Western Railway Company, or any other Company, on the other hand, from time to time, to enter into contracts, agreements, and arrangements, for the leasing, working, use, construction, interchange of traffic, management and maintenance of the said intended Tramway and Works or any part or parts thereof, for the supply of rolling stock, necessary machinery, and apparatus, for the working and use of the same, and to enable the Company to require running powers over the Railways of the said Midland Great Western Railway Company, and to grant similar powers to said last mentioned, or any other Company, and to enable the Company to enter into and carry into effect any such contract, agreement, or arrangements with the Midland Great Western Railway Company or, any other Company upon such terms as may be agreed upon.
To authorise the Midland Great Western Railway Company, or any other Company to subscribe, by way of Loan Subscription for shares or otherwise, and to hold Shares in the Company.
To authorise and empower the said Midland Great Western Railway Company to alter and reduce the Gauge of, or to lay down additional Rails upon their authorised Railway or some part thereof, and to enter into and carry into effect agreements with the Company in reference to such alteration of Guage and additional Rails as to the cost thereof.
To provide that the Baronies of Kililan, Tiaquin, Kilconnell, and Clonmacnowen, in said County, or some parts thereof, respectively, shall guarantee the payment of Dividends at a rate not exceeding £5 per cent per annum, upon so much of the share Capital of the Company, as shall be paid up capital as defined by "The Tramways and Public Companies Act, 1883" and to provide in case of default by the Companies for the completion, maintenance, and working of the undertaking, by the said Baronies or portion thereof respectively.
To provide in case it shall be so determined upon that the said Tramways may be constructed on a lesser Guage than 5 feet 3 inches.
To incorporate in such Order the provisions of "The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845", "The Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845", "The Railways Act, 1851", and to exclude the operation of the 42nd section of "The Tramways (Ireland) Act, 1860".
And Notice is hereby further given that Maps, Plans, and Sections of the said proposed Tramways and Works, a Book of reference, and a Copy of this Notice as Published in the Dublin Gazette, will be deposited on or before the 24th Day of December, 1883, for public inspection, with the Secretary of the Grand Jury of the County of Galway, at his Office, Court House, in the City of Galway, with the County Surveyor of said County, at his Office, Galway, in the County of Galway, and the Clerk of the Ballinasloe Union at, his Office, Ballinaslowe Workshouse, and with the Clerk of Mountbellew union, at his Office, at Mountbellew Workhouse.
Dated this 25th Day of October, 1883.
Anthony O'Connor
Solicitor for said Company.
86, Merrion Square South, Dublin.