Irish Midland Great Western Rail Road

(from our Ballinasloe correspondent)

Galway Vindicator, 09—10—1847

A Deputation of the Directors of this Railroad, consisting of Sir Percy Nugent, Bart., Alderman Boyce, Mr. Perry, Mr. Hartly and others, accompanied by Thomas Bermingham, Esq., arrived in Ballinasloe, for the purpose of devising plans for the extension of the Railroad to Galway, with as little delay as possible. The deputation proceeded to Garbally, and were received by the Earl of Clancarty most courteously, and frankly and warmly entered into their plans, and promised his co—operation.

Mr. Bermingham on the part of the Company, submitted the following plan, which was at once adopted; a minute of which was entered upon the books of the Ballinasloe Union, to be submitted to a full Board of Guardians upon some future day, of which the necessary notice will be given:—


The proposition which the Directors of the Irish Midland Great Western Railroad wish to submit to the Board of Guardians of the different Unions between Athlone and Galway, in order that the line shall be constructed as soon as possible between Dublin and Galway, is as follows:— In case of outdoor relief being given by the Board of Guardians, the Directors propose to purchase the land from the head—landlords, by giving debentures upon the line of railroad, and pay the occupying tenants in cash, and thus put the Board of Guardians in possession of the land for the railway and in case the Board of Guardians will employ those who are to get outdoor relief in executing the earth works, sec, in fact, what are known as—the under—works of the Railway, the Directors will send them Engineers and Officers to see the work properly executed, and will bind the Company to take the line, or so much as shall be done in this manner by measurement, upon a term to be previously agreed upon or if the Board of Guardians prefer to pay the Directors in cash, they will employ the labourers best suited to the work, giving a preference to those of the Union, and if this plan be agreed upon they are ready to give the Guardians security on the line for the repayment of the money so entrusted to them by the Board of Guardians. As to the direction the line will take from Ballinasloe to Oranmore, the directors cannot without a new ill deviate from the line laid down, and for which an act has been obtained. Although the Directors cannot undertake to make such deviation they, nevertheless, are most anxious to meet the wishes of the gentlemen of the country on the subject as far as possible? Therefore to show their desire as strongly as possible, they will undertake to purchase, in the manner proposed, the land from Athlone to Ballinasloe and from Oranmore to Galway in the first in—first instance, leaving for the present unfinished, the portions between those points until the line is re—examined, and the opinion of the county taken upon the necessity of making such deviation. At the same time, they wish to state, that as the line laid down has passed into law, they are ready to purchase the land for the entire distance from Athlone to Galway and if the board of guardians consent to pursue that line, it is evident that the whole can be laid down. The Directors will lay the surveys and estimates before the Board of Guardians so that they can ascertain the expenses of the portion that passes through each Electoral Division.
Should the Board of Guardians of the different Unions adopt the proposition of Mr. Bermingham many obstacles, at present existing, can be at once removed. The able—bodied entitled to support will be provided for, and the several landlords relieved from the obligation of providing for many of their tenantry. The young boys at present inmates of the various workhouses can be employed at wheelbarrows, thus teaching them industrious habits; and their earnings can be placed to the credit of the establishment—thus making workhouses reproductive institutions.
Mr. Bermingham has been over anxious for the promotion of the interests of this great county, and much credit is due to him for his exertions upon the present occasion.