Claddagh Piscatory School

Galway Vindicator, 16th September, 1848

We have taken the opportunity upon several previous occasions of speaking in terms of the highest approbation of the Claddagh Piscatory School, which owes its origin to the exertions of the Reverend gentlemen of the Dominican Convent, and which has been established for the double purpose of diffusing the elements of education, and generating a spirit of industry amongst the poor children of the Claddagh Fishermen, over whose interests, both spiritual and temporal, this exemplary fraternity have constantly exercised the most careful vigilance. We now have must pleasure in stating, as will be seen by the advertisement in another column, that through the co—operation of several persons (whose names, we regret, we cannot find space to particularise, but who must be and are familiar to the public, as well by reason of their liberal contributions, pecuniary and otherwise, as by the time and solicitude devoted by them to the interest of this meritorious charity) a Fancy Fair will be held on Wednesday next, and following day, on Eyre—square, which is to be covered with canvass. Tables and stalls are to be laid out with some rare curiosities, and a variety of useful and ornamental artifices will be thus cheerfully placed for disposal, with a view to increase the limited in—comings of an institute so peculiarly deserving the admiration and support of the public. A variety of fishing and farming nets manufactured by the Claddagh women and children will be shown, and their advantages explained by Mr. Cluard, whom the Society of Friends have sent to instruct the Claddagh Fishermen. The Rev. Dr. Cahill has kindly given his aid, and will show some curious specimens of Rock and Seaweed, and a map, illustrating the habits of the Flat and Ground Fish and also deliver an appropriate lecture. The amusements of Wednesday will be terminated by a grand ball in the evening at Nolan's Hotel. And upon Thursday new exhibitions will be provided. Lieutenant—Colonel Huey and the officers of the 68th Light Infantry have obligingly lent their band for the occasion. Wednesday the 20th instant is, we understand, the commencement of the season of partridge shooting ; we trust, however, that the lovers of this athletic sport will abandon the source of their pleasure and evince themselves friends of local improvement, and of the amelioration of the industrious poor.