The New Constabulary Barrack
We are glad to see that this building, which has been so long spoken of as a necessity, and a probability has at length taken the shape of a reality, for, as a preliminary to its construction, a number of men are at present employed cutting down the trees growing on the ground. The site of the barrack is at Lions' Tower Avenue, where, it has been stated, a new post—office is also to be erected. For both buildings there is a great necessity in this town, for in no village, town, or city, in Ireland is a police barrack so situated as that at present occupied by the constabulary at Newtownsmith, and as a proof of its unfitness for such a purpose, we need only refer to the several reports of its unsanitary condition read at the meetings of the sanitary authority week after week. Not only would both buildings be on acquisition to the town, but their erection would be the means of circulating a large sum of money amongst the poor artisans and labourers of the district, who, from want of employment, are in a state, with very few exceptions, bordering on destitution. We understand the police authorities have got a lease of the ground for a term of 999 years, and in a few weeks, we are told, the foundation of the new barrack will be laid.