Orgy of Reprisal in Tralee
The Galway Observer, Saturday, November 6th, 1920
Uniformed men carried out reprisals of a nature unheard of in Tralee on Wednesday night after troops who had been on duty withdrew from the streets.
Up to midnight all was quite, and the people hoped that the undertaking given by the officer commanding, that the town would prevent any fresh outbreak of frightfulness.
Some hours after the soldiers were withdrawn numbers of uniformed men left the local police barracks, armed with hatchets, crowbars, and carrying tins of petrol. They attacked and set fire to the business premises of prominent Sinn Feiners in different parts of the town.
Panic Stricken People
The smashing of glass, bombarding of doors and shutters, explosions of bombs and volleys of rifle—fire awakened people throughout the town. Shortly after two o'clock the sky was lighted up with fires in different parts, from Rock street, at one end, to Boherbee, on the other.
Scenes of the wildest panic ensued. The screams of women and children were heard from the neighbourhood of the burnings, mingled with rifle—fire and explosions.