Galway Prices Rise and Bankrupts Increase, 1791

By Samuel J. Maguire

"Failure among the inferior order of merchants, shop-keepers, etc., are becoming numerous, probably many of these gentry fall off in hope of being whitewashed as the phrase is, in the course of the ensuing Session, by one of those annual acts of insolvency. Which tho' the imperfect state of our law relative to debts and the penalty of non-payment render them in great measure necessary, are yet in their consequences to credit and commerce, not a little injurious. At the sale of new fruit by auction, they produced the following price:

cask raisins from38s. to 40s. a hundred
bloom ditto for 60s.;
Muscatel ditto 70s.;
Figs 30s. a hundred,

Prices higher than they sold at last year.

The extravagant increase in the price of raw sugar promises a confirmation of the prediction - that it will be 2s. a pound before Christmas.

The above commodity has risen 3s. a hundred.

Brandy at the standard, is now from 13s. 6d. to 14s. a gallon, which a year or two age could be purchased for 6s. 8d. - and rum that was for 5s. 6d. at the same periods, is now 8s. 8d. per gallon. The high price of foreign spirits, has of course raised that of whiskey, our own manufacture. It stands purchasers 6s. 6d. a gallon at present, in the spirit, a price of monstrously high in proportion, as either rum or brandy - so that by their dearness there promises a total disuse of all kinds of spirits, in a short time, amongst society in general.

Wheat 9s. to 10s. per cwt.
Oatmeal Is. 9d. per 21 lb
Beef 21/2d. to 3d. per lb.
Mutton 2d. to 21/2d.
Pork 21/2d. to 3d.
Potatoes 21/2d. per stone.
Rough Tallow 5s. 5d. per stone
Net do. 6s. 4d per stone
Oats 6d. per stone
Wool 15s. per stone
Butter in Cash £2 I5s. 6d. per cwt
Ditto in rolls 9d. per lb"