To Our Readers — The Authorship and Character of the Galway Advertiser
The Galway Advertiser, Vol XIII No. 44, 2nd November, 1833
Industrious efforts have been made to represent the original articles of The Advertiser as wholly or chiefly the production of one individual. Yet, highly as we value the services of that gentleman, justice both to ourselves and to the public requires us to repeat, what we more than once announced before, that our regular weekly contributors, are at least five or six, and that our occasional contributors may at pleasure be so much multiplied that we literally do not know their number. This week, for example, our readers have the productions of eight different original writers ; and some of these are in such proportions, that we scarcely know who of them contributes most. Our Journal is strictly and literally the organ of the Protestant Clergy and people. With one exception, all the contributors to it are member of the Established Church, and most of them highly influential and respectable Church Clergymen ; and thought the gentleman who forms the solitary exception is himself a dissenter, he acts in every thing in which this Journal is concerned, precisely as if he were a Churchman. As far as he is personally affected we know him to feel most highly and unduly honoured in having all or most of the doings of our Journal placed to his account ; but a regard to the truth of matters to ourselves, and to the peerlessly influential character of the support which we enjoy, all demand of us the statement we have made.
The London Journals of Tuesday have been received.