Memorial to Rev Father Griffin
Galway Observer, 11th November, 1922
The Bishops and priests of the Diocese of Galway and Clonfert are taking steps to erect a suitable memorial to the late Rev Father Griffin who was decoyed from his home in Galway on the night of Nov. 14, 1920, and foully murdered.
The story of Father Griffin's sacrifice is well known to my readers and an appeal is made for funds to fittingly carry out the worthy object.
The mere intimation that the task has been undertaken should be more than sufficient to ensure that the promoters shall have no financial difficulty in completing it.
The memorial, which has been designed by Mr Shortal, Dublin, will be erected in the Cathedral grounds, Loughrea, the capital of his native diocese. The design as outlined, under the appeal should commend itself to all who appreciate the sufferings endured by the many whose efforts in the cause of Irish freedom marked them out for the attention of the vile agents of the Terror. Amongst those whose lives were forfeited in those dark days Father Griffin is an outstanding figure, typical of Irish devotion of God and country.