First Batch of Members. Nominations in British Elections. Many Irish Names in Lists.

Galway Observer, 11th November, 1922

The dramatic feature of Saturday's nominations in the British elections was the appearance of Mr Joseph Devlin at the last moment as an Independent candidate for the exchange Division of Liverpool.

His nominations took the Conservatives entirely by surprise. Their candidate, and the only one in opposition to Mr Devlin, is Sir Leslie Scott, K.C., Solicitor—General in the last Government. He was unopposed at the last election.

Many Irish names occur among the candidates. Mr C. Diamond is going forward for the Bermondsey Division; Colonel Arthur Lynch (Lab) contests Hackney Central; and Colonel Maurice Moore (Nat. Lib.) appears in Barnsley. In the Rochester—Chatham Division Sir Alfred Callagham (L.) is opposed by Colonel J. T. C. Moore—Brabazon (C).