Death ofColonel Lynch Staunton

The Tuam Herald, Saturday, February 1,1919.

We regret the death of another of Galway's distinguished sons who made the supreme sacrifice in the war. The deceased like countless Irishmen won distinction as a brave man and displayed all the qualities of a solider Colonel R. K. Lynch Staunton, of Clydkgh,Headford, commanded the 220th Brigade Royal Field Artillery. He died at Baghdad of wounds received in action on November 7. He was the fourth and youngest son ofCaptain Lynch Staunton , late Hussars. While quartered at Woolwich in 1902 he acted as whip for the Royal Artillery drag and the same year won the second prize in the officers' riding and jumping competition at the Royal Military Tournament. While serving in India he took part in the contest for the Kidir Cup in 1906 and 1907, reaching the semi—final in the former year, and in 1913—14 he acted as Hon. Sec. to the Meeru Test Club. In 1914, he carried off the Khartoum Racing Club's Challenge Cup for successive wins during the seasons 1908-11, while ponies and horses owned by him have won many prizes at shows both in Egypt and India. Lieutenant Colonel Lynch Staunton was also a good ??? And possessed a fine collection of horses obtained in India and Kashmir.