"Truth in News Will be Chief Aim of Irish Press" — Says E. de Valera — Controlling Director of Irish Press, Ltd. — "To give the truth in the news, that will be the chief aim of 'The Irish Press'. 'The Irish Press' will be a truthful journal and a good newspaper,"
Galway Observer, August 8, 1931
This declaration of purpose was made by Mr.E. de Valera, the Irish Republican leader, in an interview which he gave to a special representative of the World's Press News.
"Mr.E. de Valera was very frank and explicit in the expression of his views. In no sense, he affirmed, will the new Irish national daily newspaper, which is to make its first appearance on Saturday, September 5, be a party organ. He did not believe there was room or need for a party newspaper as such in Ireland or anywhere else. On the other hand, he was satisfied there was urgent need and a definite demand for a journal which would give truth in its news.
He desired to make it quite clear that the Dáil Party would exercise no control over or be responsible for the policy of the new paper. It was quite true that as the Controlling Director he was the final arbiter as to editorial policy, but that was a personal matter, The Board of Directors, composed as it is of some of the leading business men of Ireland , was selected for its commercial capabilities rather than for its political persuasions. Apart from the editorial pages which would maintain Republican policy, as understood by him, the news columns would have no political or party bias, and any member of the editorial news staff departing from their instruction would be promptly fired.
In its editorial columns 'The Irish Press' would aim at securing that the national will was authoritatively expressed through a national assembly functioning freely and independently.
Dealing with the economic policy of 'The Irish Press' Mr. de Valera said it could be briefly set forth as that of making the country as self—supporting as possible.
Mr. de Valera then stated to our interviewer that they were aiming to reach a steady circulation of 75,000, but expected, as their paper would make an appeal to all sections of the community, that this figure could be exceeded. The price will be a penny.
'The Irish Press' will be a 12 page paper of what is known as 'The Daily Mail' standard size. Most of the machinery and plant is already installed. The various staffs were being engaged and the advertisement bookings are regarded as highly satisfactory.
Later on it is hoped to produce a Sunday edition and an evening newspaper for which extensions ample provision has been made.