Galway Boxing and Athletic Club will raise one thousand pounds to build gymnasium and recreation hall
Connacht Tribune, Saturday, January 22, 1988
By Clinch
Galway Boxing and Athletic Club, with its membership increased one hundred percent with a committee representative of every shade of opinion in Galway, and with the Mayor of Galway as patron, is determined that a first class hall and gymnasium will be in course of construction in six months time.
The committee are determined to raise £1.000 with this object in view. They plan to run dances, whist drives, football matches, etc. and I must admit I feel that they will succeed, because I was present at a general meeting of the club on Friday night, when they elected their officers and committee, and I was swept away with enthusiasm.
Larry Hynes, whom I rate as one of the best organizers in Ireland, is to act as secretary of the building fund and already he has thrown himself wholeheartedly into the venture.
On Wednesday next you will hear the knock knock on your door. It will be the collectors for the club building fund who on that day are doing a round—up of the City. The collectors appointed for this purpose are Messrs.T. Lydon, J. Heaslip and Larry Hynes. I have many years ago deplored the absence of a proper hall and gymnasium in Galway. It is a crying shame that the ancient City of the Tribes, whose ancient civic dignity has been restored this year, should be without a City Hall. We hear that the youth are going to too many dances and that they are walking the streets at night. What else have they to do? Build them a, proper hall where they can indulge in healthy recreation every night and where they can have a reading room and billiard tables and where they can have bathrooms, showers, etc. At the present moment Galway is sadly lacking in such amenities.
"'Tis Past Time"
'Tis past time that something concrete was done to alleviate what is a crying necessity. And the Galway Boxing and Athletic Club are going to do it. They intend to gather by every means possible one thousand pounds. This may seem a tall order but as Larry Hynes pointed out to me when he was organising the dog show he collected five hundred pounds in about three months. That speaks for itself, I think.
A house—to—house collection on Wednesday should bring in something fairly substantial. Voluntary subscription should also add grist to the mill. Remember when tin collectors call at your door on Wednesday to give generously, because you will be giving in the greatest of all causes — that of sport.
Wanted — A Site
A deputation from the Club is going before the Corporation on Wednesday to ask for a free site to build a hall on. I hope that the Corporation will receive the deputation favourably. I understand that a site will be offered on the Father Griffin road. This Should be an ideal situation. Now, before leaving this subject of building a hall. I would like to impress upon everyone that this effort of the Galway Club is a really serious one, and no matter what effort it is to cost they are determined that next year will see them with a really first class hall. Good luck to them.
U.C.G. Tourney
The U.C.G. tourney, which was unavoidably, postponed before Christmas is being held on next Friday night. This is really a tourney between the University boxers and the rest. The "Rest" by the way, are the pick of Connacht. One scrap that I am looking forward to watching is that between those old rivals, Horan and Gannon. Both are in the pink of training, and Horan will probably represent Connacht in the Duggan Shield, as I believe that Dick Hearnes will not box. The tourney is being held in the Pavilion and should be first—class entertainment.
A Boxing Dance
On Wednesday, February 23, the Galway Boxing and Athletic Club are running another dance at the Royal Hotel, Galway, which has been very generously given free by the general proprietor, Mr. John T. Costello. Dancing will be from 10 to 4 and tickets will be supplied by Bill Keaveney and his Astaire Orchestra. The Mayor of Galway will be present. Tickets will be put on sale during the week. The Royal Hotel staff are doing the catering and a first class supper will be provided. Thanks a million to "John R. " from the Galway boxers.
The Men in Control
Patron — Ald, J. F.Costello, Mayor of Galway.
President — M. J. Allen, solr., coroner.
Vice—Presidents — Messrs.Thomas Lydon, P. J. Holland, and T. W. Kenny.
Treasurer — Mr.T. Hynes.
Hon. Secs. — Messrs. Jos. Heaslip and Dick Fitzgerald.
Organising Sec. and Treasurer of Building Fund — Mr.L. Hynes.
Hon. Auditors — Messrs. Ryder and Murphy.
Bankers — The Munster and Leinster Bank.
Committee — Ald. O. Corbett, Ald. Mr. O'Flaherty, Messrs. John Allen, G. McCambridge,M. Brennan, F. McCabe, P. Margetts, J. Carter, M. J. Egan, F. K. Mackey,Sean Kenny, Clr. W. Faller, Messrs. W. Leniban, G. Millar, M. J. Gallagher, T. Colbert, F. H. Coy, E. Corbett, Wm. McCullough, T. Gannon,J. Duffy,P. Cloherty, Jos. Togher, H. F. McNally,J. Toner, John T. Costelloe.