Minister's Marriage

Connaught Tribune, Jan 1, 1930

Mr. P. Hogan and Mrs. Davitt.

Mr. Patrick Hogan, Minister for Agriculture

Mr. Patrick Hogan, Minister for Agriculture.

Mr.Patrick Hogan, Minister for Agriculture, was married quietly at, the Church of SS. Alphonsus and Columba, Killiney, on Thursday morning to Mrs.Mona Davitt; widow of the late Dr. Michael Davitt, Galway.

Mr. Hogan was attended by Mr. A. Cox, solicitor, as best man, and Miss Lafferty, sister of Mr. H. Lafferty, brother—in—law of Mr. Hogan, was bridesmaid. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Very Rev. James Sherwin, P.P., who celebrated Nuptial Mass. A reception after the ceremony was given by Mr. Justice O'Bryne and Mrs. O'Bryne at Stonechurch, Killiney. Amony those present were Miss B. Hogan, Professor James Hogan, University College, Cork; Mr. and Mrs. H. Lafferty, Lieutenant Thompson, Mr. B. Fitzsimon, (private secretary to Mr. Hogan), Mr. A. Cox, and the Very Rev. J. Sherwin.

At the ninth annual Congress of Cow—Testing Associations held in Dublin on Thursday, the President (the Rev. R. M. Boyd. B.D.) announced at the afternoon session that Mr.P. Hogan (Minister for Agriculture) had been married that morning. He moved that a telegram of congratulation, wishing himself and his wife happiness and success in their married life be sent to them. Senator the Countess of Desart seconded the motion which was passed with acclamation.

Mr. and Mrs. Hogan left by the morning mail boat for England en route to the Continent, where the honeymoon will be spent.