The Woollen Factory — Heartening News for Galway — Citizens Buy Galway Goods
The Galway Observer, Saturday February 6, 1982
It is gratifying to learn that the Galway Woollen factory after a period of dispairful depression is likely to come into its own again. Some big orders have recently been placed with the factory and members of Old Hands whose services had been dispensed with have been taken back.
The Galway Woollen Mills carried on a big export trade with America for a great many years. The economic crisis in America had disastrous repercussions on the Galway factory. Orders however, are again coming from America. There is no reason however why the Galway factory should not be able to find a profitable home market. It is the highest form of partiotism to buy Irish manufactured goods. Buy Irish goods and for preference Galway manufactured goods should be the slogan for 1932.
Every penny spent on Irish goods will help to keep a Galway man at work.
You can break the back of depression by a determined effort to spend your money where it will aid Irish industry and the Irish worker.
Every article you buy, whether it be food or clothing or anything else, make sure that it is Irish. Ask for Irish goods. Let your friends in the shops know that you want Irish goods. Urge them that in this way they can aid in bringing back prosperity to Ireland.
Irish goods are the finest in the world, produced at home by Irish labour they are also cheapest, why spend your money on foreign shoddy goods
"Buy Irish Goods!"