Galway Feis—Tighe
Galway Observer, February 8, 1930
The first annual Feis—Tighe organized by the officers of the 1st Irish—speaking Battalion (Renmore Barracks, Galway), will be held at the Royal Hotel, Galway, on Friday night next. The Committee have left no avenues unexplored that would make for the greater enjoyment of those who attend, and in addition to the dances there will be Irish songs, recitations, and musical items. Prominent citizens have taken great interest in the Feis—Tighe. Miss Corrigan's band, Galway, and the Siamsa Gaedheal band, are also engaged from Dublin. A card room will be set aside for bridge for those who do not wish to dance.
Special arrangements are being made for a bus service after the Feis—Tighe.
Comdt. E. de Buitlear, is president of the Committee, Dr. Tomas Walsh andCaptain Foley, vice presidents; Capt. P. Canayan, Lieut. P. Power, and Tomas MacEnri, secretaries; Capt. Houston, Nicolas Keyes, N.T., Captain J. Togher, treasurers.