Obituary — The Earl of Clancarty
Galway Observer, Feb 2, 1929 E.G.D.
We regret to announce the deathof William Frederick Le Poet Trench, fifth Earl of Clancarty, which took place on Friday at Dunlo Lodge, Buckinghamshire, of pneumonia, following influenza. He was born in 1868 at Fort Eyre, Galway and was the son of the fourth Earl of Clancarty and Lady Adeliga Georgina Hervey, daughter of the second Marquess of Bristol. He succeeded to the title in 1891. He married in 1889 Belle Bilton, who was a celebretated actress. She died in 1906 and in 1908 he married Miss Mary Gwatkin Ellis, daughter of the late W. F. Rosslewin Ellis and Mrs. Berger, 44 Onslow Gardens, London; S.W. By the first marriage there were four sons and one daughter, and by the second two sons and one daughter, Lord Clancarty was an enthusiastic sportsman, a well—known figure in the hunting field and on the racecourse, and traveled extensively. His Irish home was at Garbally Park, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway.
His eldest son Richard Frederick John Douough Le Poer Trench, Lord Kilconnell, who now served in the Royal Naval Air Force during the war. He married in 1918, Cora, daughter of the late H. H. Spooner and Mrs. Philip Lindoe, Bourne Count Bourne End, and lives at Little Weir House, Marlow, Buckinghamshire.