Big Liner for Galway
Galway Observer February 1. 1932
Port to Become Europe's Gateway? — U.S. Interest
Galway says the "Daily Chronicle" is this year to become a recognized port for trans Atlantic shipping, big developments having been arranged for by the Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd., and the White Star Line.
There are to be regular sailings to the United States and to Canada. These follow upon the success of experimental calls in these lines at the port last session.
Galway may yet become Europe's gateway as the double Atlantic trip from America can be done in about a fortnight.
Already the Cunard company have made arrangements for the regular sailings of three of their vessels from Galway to Boston and New York in connection with the conveyance of Irish passengers.
A monthly service has been established and the three powerful Cunarders which will be engaged in this new shipping scheme are Lancastria will leave Galway for Boston and New York.
The Laoonia will enter the services on April 20, and the sailing dates fixed for the Scythis are May 4, June 1 and June 30.The White Star Line have entered the Cedric and the Mogantio for the Galway service.
Keen American Interest
Keen American interest has been displayed in the possible development of a new harbour scheme for Galway. As Galway is capable of receiving the largest ocean liners, the New Trans Atlantic services will have an important bearing on the projected national harbour site at Furbough, in which, an influential United States syndicate is especially interested.
By using Galway as an Airport last August some 36 hours were saved in the delivery of mails from America to London.