The Galway Woollen Mills

Galway Observer, May 23, 1931

The Galway Woollen Mills

The announcement which appears in our advertising columns that the Galway Woollen Mills are for sale, will be learned with a great deal of regret in the city. Nearly a year ago, there was a very welcome revival in the woollen industry, and at the annual meeting optimism was the note struck, but the tune was sung in the minor key. How could it be otherwise when times all over the world are so bad. It is not easy to smile in the face of adversity; the directors put the very best face on things, but they did not hide the fact that the woollen industry in these islands is in very low water. The Wall Street crash, however, had a very nasty repercussion for the Galway factory, the bulk of the material being exported to America, where economic conditions are so bad that the bread lines are a daily sight in the big cities. No one will hold the directors responsible in the slightest degree for the prevailing depression, and no one will expect the company to possess magic powers to bring about a revival so long as the bad economic conditions are Universal, and not local. We can only wait for better times and express the hope that the factory will be working full time before long.