Society of Antiquarians

Connacht Tribune, Saturday July 1st, 1950

The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland at the opening of their summer meeting in Galway on Tuesday were welcomed by the Mayor, Ald, J. F. Costello, who wished them an enjoyable stay and said that they would find many places of historic interest in the city and county.

Very Rev. J. Ryan, S. J., U.C.D., Senior Vice President of the Society thanked the Mayor for his official welcome and said that if they had no other reason for visiting Galway, the beauty of the city would be sufficient. He added that Galway was particularly rich in medieval history.

After the meeting the Society inspected the municipal monuments etc., in U.C.G. and later toured places of historic interest in the city.

That County Galway was an archaeologist's paradise was stated, by Professor M. V. Duignan, U.C.G., in the course of an interesting and instructive lecture on :The Antiquities of County Galway: to the Society later in the evening.

With the aid of a number of slides and survey maps Prof. Duignan revealed the valuable findings made in parts of he country, especially in the Maree district and Tawin peninsula. These areas, said the Professor, were particularly rich and provided much scope for the archaeologist. Excavations at some of the many ancient forts which dotted, the areas had shown remains of iron age civilisation. The lecturer dealt in some detail with the defence systems used by the dwellers of the forts.

Rev. Prof. J. Ryan, S.J., who presided, congratulated the lecturer on his valuable discourse which, he said, was the fruit of his own work in these areas.

At a reception in the Aula Maxima after the lecture the society and their guests were received by Prof. S. Shea, M.D. and Prof. M. Shea on behalf of the Right Rev. President, U.C.G., Monsignor P. de Brun.

The attendance included; Ald. J. F. Costello, Mayor of Galway and Dr. M. Costello; Mr. C. L. O'Flynn, County Manager; Mr. L. Looney, County Secretary ; District Justice S. Mac Giollarnath; Surgeon and Dr. Mrs. M. G. A. Little; Mr. L. E. O'Dea, solicitor, and Mr. S. O'Dea, and members of the professional staff, U.C.G.

On Wednesday , Thursday and Friday the members of the Society toured center's of archaeological interest in the county and will leave for Dublin on Saturday.