The Old I.R.A. — The Army Pension Act — Address by Mr. Keeley, T. D.

The Galway Observer, February 18, 1933

(From a Correspondent)

A meeting of County Galway Old I.R.A. officers and representatives was held in Mahon's Hotel, Galway, on Sunday last, 12th February, for the purpose of considering the Army Pensions Act, 1932, with a view to helping genuine claimants of the County.

Those present were — Mr. Seamus Keely, B.L., R.D., Chairman; Messrs Joe Stanford, Martin O'Regan, Dan Ryan, P, Glynn, J. J. Flaherty, Thos. Flaherty, M. Joyce, Joe Commins, Wm. Kelly, Sean Courtney, Martin Leahy, P. Cunnane, and Ml. Fitzgerald.

In the unavoidable absence of the Hon. Sec. (Mr. Eamon Corbett, Co. C.,) Mr. J. J. Flaherty was appointed pro tem.

After a discussion on the various sections of the Act, Mr. Keely, gave valuable legal advice — all present were advised to note the interpretations of the different sections and impart the information to claimants in their areas.

It was decided that all the claims must be verified in Brigade Areas, by the old Brigade Officers or next in command still living and resident in the country, or by those whom they appoint and that no responsibility be taken for claims unless verified by an appointed officer. Power of appointment for Battalion areas was left with old brigade officers of whom are the following: —

ConnemaraGerald Bartley, T.D. Peter McDonnell, and those whom they appoint in battalion areas.)

North GalwayMark Killdea, T.D., Joseph Hoade, (and those whom they appoint in battalion areas.)

Mr. Joe Stanford, o/c. 2nd Bat. 1st Western Div., being present appointed the following for his old brigade area:—

GortJoe Standford, Dan Ryan, P. Glynn, LoughreaLarry Smith, J. J. Flaherty, Michael Newell, J. J. Leonard, M. Athy.

A motion by Sean Courtney, to form an Old I.R.A. Comrades Association was deferred for discussion later.

It was proposed by Mr. O' Regan seconded by Mr. Courtney. —

"That we congratulate as Old I.R.A. men our Chairman Mr.Seamus Keely, on his success in the recent election.

Passed unanimously.

Mr. Keely thanked those present for their congratulation, for the work they had done in the past, and were now doing. He also paid a tribute to all his old comrades of the I.R.A. for their tenacity in carrying off the Republican Ideal.

The meeting was adjourned.