Lord Killanin — Takes up Residence at SpiddalJubilee Nurses Garden Scheme

The Galway Observer, August 15, 1908

(From our Correspondent)

Lord Killanin the youthful peer — he is only seventeen — has taken up residence at Spiddal House the ancestral home and is determined to keep up the old family traditions of charity and food nature where suffering humanity is ???

When I interviewed him in the "Observer" office he told me he was extremely anxious to have it made public that the garden at Spiddal will again be opened in connection with the garden scheme arranged by the Institute of Jubilee Nurses in Ireland on Sunday next August 16th.

Lord Killanin is in the pink of condition. An unassuming disposition has made him very popular in the district.

It is worthy of him and his forbears that his first public act after the reconstruction of Spiddal house is to have "A tear for pity and a hand Open as day for melting charity."