Death of Lady Gregory — Laid to rest in Galway
The Galway Observer, May 28, 1932
Lady Augusta Gregory, the gifted Irish author and playwright, who has died at her residence in Coole Park, Gort, about midnight on Sunday, had been in failing health all the winter and had been confined to her room for some weeks past.
Though she was 73 years of age last St. Patrick's day, she remained closely in touch with the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, of which she was one of the original founders. As a director of the National Theatre, Society, Ltd.. She took an active part to the end.
On Monday morning, Mr. Lennox Robinson, a fellow director, received a letter enclosing her signature to the agreement for the Abbey Theatre's American tour, which begins in October next. A few minutes later, a telegram arrived announcing her death.
Her daughter—in—law, Mrs. Gough, was present when the end came.
Lady Gregory was the youngest daughter of Dudley Pearse, D.L., of Co. Galway, and was born in March 1859. In 1881 she married Sir Wm. Gregory, an Irish M.P., who was later Governor of Ceylon.
When Lady Gregory was laid to rest on Wednesday in a tree—shaded corner of the Protestant plot at the Prospect Hill, Cemetery, Galway, her request for simplicity was fulfilled, and there was nothing in the funeral or graveside service to indicate the passing for a great personage.
The coffin was of oak, but there were none of the usual mountings.
The hearse, followed by a long line of motor cars, moved past mournful groups who lined the avenue from Coole Park to the main Galway—Gort road. Along the twenty—one mile route to Galway farmers and shopkeepers ceased their work whilst the cortege passed by. In Galway a representative gathering awaited the arrival of the remains. Her old servants and employees were prominent in the cortege. Following the hearse came numbers of her "beloved poor of Kiltartan."
Lady Gregory's remains were interred in a grave beside one of her sisters, Mrs. Waithman.
The chief mourners were — Captain and Mrs. Guy—Gough, Lough Cutra, Gort, Misses Annie and Catherine Gregory (grand—daughters); Viscount Gough, Wyndham, Waithman.
The service of the graveside was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Wallace, Galway, Canon Harvey, Rector, Boosterstown, Dublin; Canon Warren, Rector, Gort, and Canon Nash, M.A. Rector, Galway.
There were a large number of wreaths.