County Galway Hospital

The Galway Observer, Saturday, April, 8, 1899.

The usual monthly meeting of the County Galway Hospital was held on Saturday last.

Mr. Myles J. Keaven in the chair.

Also present:— Messrs Walter Joyce, J. P. ; F. Tannian, Thomas McDonagh, J.P.; Michael McNeill, M. O. Kirwan, Daniel Curran, Patrick Kearney, P. Corbett, and Professor Pye, J. P.

Dr. Kinkead, Dr. Colahan, Dr. M'Kelvey, and Sir Acheson McCullagh, L.G.B.I., were also present.

A letter was read from "Mrs. Hallet making charges against the matron for teasing and annoying a child named Milles and also with threatening it, making irritating remarks towards it, and saying that the matron was devoid of common sense &c.

A letter was read from the matron specifically denying each of the charges made against her.

The other members of the board having acquiesced in this opinion, Mr. and Mrs. Hallett, Mr. Milles (father of the child), Miss Haughty (matron), and Miss Carroll and Miss Kennedy (nurses) were called in.

Dr. Pye — If this inquiry is to be carried out and that we are to be the judges, we should not take into account any remarks made by a lady outside. I think, with all deference to Mrs. Hallett, no reference should be made to a statement made by a lady outside.

Mr. Joyce said he considered those charges against the matron were of a very serious nature and could not be properly investigated without a sworn inquiry.

Chairman: — I consider we are quite competent to deal with them.

Mr. Joyce — But we cannot take sworn evidence.

Chairman: — We have a very superior resident surgeon and if you examine him you will be able to decide on those charges.

Mrs. Hallet gave his version of the occurrences and said the matron burst in to the room, and ignored his presence, commenced to threaten the child, and said he should not be crying like a little girl; this jeering I consider justified the expression "similar remarks" she thought again that what the matron said to the child was, "you won't cry like a girl".

Chairman: — There is a charge of not dressing the limb.

Dr. O'Kelvey: — As regards the limb, I can say that it was dressed twice on that day the child was taken out. Dr. Colahan's orders and mine were carried out.

To Dr. Pye: — I had no opportunity of seeing a worried appearance on the part of the child, as I was not speaking to him as a visitor.

Mrs. Hallett said that on two occasions that she went to the ward and she found the child alone.

Nurse Carroll here stated that this was not a fact. There were two other children in the ward.

Mrs. Hallett; —It would greatly relieve this board if the matron took the Initiative of resigning her position.

Chairman: — That is for us to say. We are to be the judges of that and not you.

Mrs. Hallett: — I appeal as an outsider to the matron herself to do so. It would save the hospital and the town.

Chairman: — You are not a member of this board yet.

Dr. Pye: — I think that charge of threatening to...