County Galway — Longford Barony
Western Area, Saturday 18, February, 1832.
On the morning of Sunday, the 5th instant, two armed men: Terry Alts entered the home of Mark Finnegan, of Downis, near Eyrecourt, herdsman to Mr. Burton Bindon, and searched the house for arms, which they fortunately did not succeed in obtaining. They then swore his wife as to whether she had any arms or not. After swearing and telling them repeatedly she had none, they said they came there to prevent her husband (who was absent from, in future, collecting any of Binden's con—acre; and should he in future attempt to do so that they watch him day and night and shoot him as they did their neighbor Toppin, the herd. Having left a notice to that effect, and firing two shots. They then decamped.
On Monday night last a ?? part of Terry Alts attacked the home of John Maunicp, a cattle Jobber, of Lenregan, in the barony of Longford, and begged admittance, which being refused, they commenced to break the doors and windows, and fired several shots into the house which fortunately took no effect, one rifle is thought to effect an entrance through the window, but Mannion's son seized the gun, and took it from him and afterwards knocked him down with a blow of a pitchfork. When they found they could not accomplish an entrance, they left a notice stating that if Mannion did not re?????? they would the ???? his life. Mannion gave the gun next day to the Police stationed at Gurtymadden.
A few nights ago, an honest industrious poor man named Naughton, was shot in the parish of Moore, in the County of Roscommon, by an armed party. The ball first hit him on the shoulder, and afterwards passed through his neck, without touching the windpipe; he was attended the next day and the wound dressed by Doctor Horne, of Ballinasloe, who entertained hopes of recovery. That quarter of the country is in a dreadful state, notwithstanding the active exertions of the civil power.
A few days ago, a notorious character named Leonard, was arrested near the parish of Moore, in the County Roscommon, in the very act of serving Terry Alt notices and administering unlawful oaths, by Captain Warburton's police, and fully committed to stand his trial at the approaching assizes.
On Sunday morning last, the 12th instant, at about nine or ten o'clock in the morning, an armed party entered the house of Prospect, within a few hundred yards of the town of Eyrecourt, the residence of P. O'Mealy, Esq. and carried off two beautiful guns and a case of pistols in prime condition, without the smallest resistance on the part of the spirited proprietor.!!!
Same night, a very comfortable farmer named Lowery, was served with notice, by these unfortunate wretches, to surrender a farm which he lately took from Miss Hearne, and sworn to that effect — and in case of non—compliance, he was threatened with an untimely fate.
On the night of Friday, the 3rd instant, a large party of Terry Alts, all well armed, entered the house of an industrious man named Michael Burke, of Listilligun, in the barony of Longford, in the neighborhood of Ramore, dragged the poor man out of his bed, and beat him in a most unmerciful manner, for not complying to a notice recently served on him, to surrender a small farm which he took about six moths ago, from Miss Hearne, of Hearnsbrook. They then departed, leaving him as they thought, quite dead. The poor man still survived, but little hopes are entertained of his recovery.
Same night, an Industrious man named John Flanagan, residing at Cormack, was visited by an armed party, dragged out of his bed, and beaten in a most unmerciful manner, for hiding for com?? Acre in the neighborhood of Tynagh, and offering more than the regulated prices laid down by the Terry Alt system. The poor man's life is despaired of. Several houses were attacked the same night in that neighbourhood, it is supposed by the same party.