Barony of Longford
Western Argus, March 10, 1832.
At about nine or ten o'clock on Sunday morning, an armed party of Terry Alts entered the house of Mr. Samuel Coats, near Eyrecourt, and carried off a beautiful gun, case of pistols, and military sword, without resistance on the part of the spirited proprietor. After serving Mr. Mahon, of Eyrecourt, with notice to surrender a farm; and taking the arms from Prospect House, these unfortunate fellows repaired to the woods of Tully, where they fired several shots, after which they dispersed.
A few nights ago, an armed party attacked the house of a man named Flannery, one of the old yeomanry corps, at Kilealtenagh, near Clonfert, and carried off his musket, powder and ball, and beat him dreadfully.
Same night, an armed party attacked the house of a man named Waters, near Belview, dragged him out of his bed and beat him in a most cruel manner, for dealing with the Police stationed in Kiltormor and Lawrencetown, supplying them with bacon, vegetables, etc. The poor man lies dangerously ill.
On the night of Tuesday, the 28th, the house of John Kelly, of Kill, was attacked by an armed party in search of arms; and several houses in the neighbourhood of Crow's—nest were attacked by the same party in search of arms. They succeeded in obtaining some guns, & c.