Borrowed Books
Paper???? 6th, December, 1930.
New system at Galway Library
New regulations governing the borrowing of books from the Galway County Library, as from January 1, were mentioned at the meeting of the committee on Saturday last when the chairman (Rev. J. O'Dea) stated that the sub—committee held a meeting at which they considered the matter.
They decided that only two books would be issued at a time, one fiction and the other non—fiction, on a system of borrowers' tickets each and a borrower would have to present a ticket before he would get a book. Books are to be surrendered after a fortnight. Books kept longer than a fortnight will render the holder liable to fine.
The sub—committee also decided to allocate certain duties to the assistants. Miss Ronaldson is to be absolutely responsible for all books issued and to see that they are returned in good time and in good condition, her duties to include the collection of subscriptions and the enforcement of fines.
Miss Folan is to do all clerical duties, assist during luncheon hour, assist in packing and checking, keep borrowers' registration cards properly filed, and see that the borrowers registration book is duly posted.
The Rev. A. J. Gailey stated that the first item on the agenda at every meeting of the sub—committee will be the production of a time book.
Miss Ronaldson's Salary
Miss Ronaldson, library assistant, wrote applying for an increase of salary, pointing out that twelve months ago she had passed the Library Association's examination for library organization last May.
The Chairman recalled that Miss Ronaldson was appointed at 30s a week and subsequently a resolution was passed deciding that no application for an increase of salary from the library assistants to be considered until such a time as they had passed the Library Association examination in practical library administration. The resolution, however, was rescinded and Miss Ronaldson was given an increase of 10s, but the resolution was in six sections and when Miss Ronaldson had passed the other four she would get her library diploma.
Mr. Cooke proposed that the increase be 10s a week, and Mr. T. Kyne seconded.
Mr. Lynch — Anybody in the employment of the library should be given a living wage.
After further discussion, Mr. Cooke's amendment was defeated by six votes to four, the minority consisting of Messrs Cooke, Kyne, Lynch, and J. Hosty.
Mr. Cooke then proposed an increase of 7s 6d, seconded by Mr. Hosty.
This proposition was also defeated on the same voting, and the Chairman's motion for a 5s increase was then carried.
The Secretary (Mr. Maguire) stated that the Ministry had given temporary sanction to the appointment of Miss Folan pending the County Council's views.