Tuam Old Graveyard
Tuam Herald, Saturday, April 14, 1923.
At last meeting of the Tuam District Council the following was read; —
On Thursday, 22nd March, 1923, Messrs Michael Dwyer, M. C. C.; Dr. T. B. Costello, John Quinn, Solicitor; M. C. Shine, Martin J. Walsh, and James Daly, members of the Burial Committee, inspected the Tuam Old Graveyard, and beg to report to the Tuam District Council that the following matters require to be attended to, viz:
- Two large trees to be cut down as they are in a dangerous position. The bushes adjoining the boundary wall are too thick and high, and the branches should be lopped off about 3 or 4 feet.
- A large quantity of debris, old cans, etc, have been dumped in the burial ground and should be removed, and the parties responsible for same should be notified not to put deposits there again.
- We saw a large number of poultry trespassing in the old graveyard, and the caretaker informed us that they were put in their against his protest. The Public Health (Ireland) Act 1878 prohibits animals etc, from trespassing in a burial ground under a penalty, and the parties responsible should be notified to discontinue this practice.
- The ivy round the old church wall requires to be cut down.
- A quantity of gravel is required for the walks, about 25 carts.
- The iron gate is badly in want of painting, it has not been painted for several years.
- The Committee respectfully request that a small grant of about £10 to be allowed to put the graveyard in proper order in respect to the memory of the dead, and they undertake to carry out the work in a satisfactory manner. They earnestly trust that the District Council will be so kind as to give these matters their careful consideration. They estimate the cost at about £10.
Proposed by Senator Mrs. Costello, seconded by Mr. Micheal Dwyer, and passed unanimously, that the report of Committee be approved of.