
The Connacht Tribune, Friday, August 23, 1973.

By Rev. Martin Coen.


On Sunday the refurbished 'cemetery of the poets' will be reinaugurated. It was on Sunday, August 26, 1900 that a group of distinguished locals and Literati unveiled the monument to Raftery, the poet. Now two local poets, Marcus and Peatsai Callanan of nearby Caheradiveane will have their place of rest suitably marked.

Lady Gregroy is justly praised for her part in honoring Raftery. Edward Martyn helped as did the local people. Dr. Douglas Hyde was the great publicist when he published Raftery's Poems in 1903. Hyde first heard of Raftery while shooting at Rahasane, Turlough when he heard an ould man at his door singing "Anois teach an Earraigh beidh an la ag dul chun sineadh, is tar eis la feile Brighde ard—echoed me mo sheol".

Fifteen years later among the old Irish MSS in the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, he again discovered the full peom in an old manuscript.

Raftery, of course, has the closest connections with Craughwell. He died in the home of Diarmuid O Cluannan on Christmas Eve 1835. His poems were for years missing, until Lady Gregory found a copy in the possession of an old stone—cutter in Killeeneen which contained many of Raftery's poems. Varous other people gathered the versions of the other peoms until a book of his poetry was ready for publication.

For 65 years Raftery rested quietly until a group of people under Lady Gregory 'the prime cause' had erected a headstone bearing simply the poet's surname. At the unveiling on August 26th were present a great crowd of people which included Dr. Douglas Hyde, Lady Gregory, Edward Martyn and Father Anthony J. Considine, subsequently Dean of Galway and Vicar General. Lady Gregory recalls a visit to identiy Raftery's grave with the help of an old man who was present at the burial. As I went back along the silent road there was suddenly a sound of horses and a rushing and waving about me and I found myself in the midst of the County Galway Foxhounds, come back from cub—hunting. The English M. F. H and his wife rode by and I wondered if they had ever heard of the poet whose last road this had been. Most likely not.

Present at the 1900 ceremony was Terry Furey who was a young man had been present at the burial of Raftery. He recited at very great length peotry by Raftery despite the fact that it was pouring rain out of the heavens. Lady Gregory, Hyde and the attendance were drenched. The Fureys had once taken Raftery into their home after a funeral and he recited "Fiach Mharcius Ui Challanain". And the Furey's reside there to this day.

Ned Silke

Mr. Ned Silke (88) of Ballymore, Craughwell was present at the 1900 ceremony. He recalls: I remember it very well; I was there. I was. I remember Terry Furey danced alone on a sort of a platform and he had a stick with him. Oh! The Furey family is there yet, Terry Furey, an old man from Killtiernan, they put him up dancing a jig. Dr. Doughlas Hyde was there a balacik ould staramp of a maneen. Well Peter Cloonan now is younger than me: we were two years at the Feis there and Peter Cloonan now; we talk of it some time ago and we got refreshments, one of the turns in Corbetts. Edward Martyn was in it as far as I think. I didn't know who some of these personalities would be so much that time as I was very young.


An American leader writes to know where the famous Galway boxer Tom Molineaux, who died on July 7, 1818 is buried. Could any reader help?