Galway Corporation Salaries in 1820
Galway like other corporations was one of the last and favourite retreats of prejudice, intolerance and patronage. The patronage was very considerable: the several offices and places in the immediate gift or recommendation of the head of the corporation with their annual value or income were:- (1) Parliamentary representation (2) Warden of the Collegiate Church, 1000; (3) Two Vicars, 75 each; (4) Governor, 400, Mayor 500; (5) Recorder, standing salary, 45 10s. with all the perquisites which could not be ascertained; (6) Two Sheriffs, standing salary 15 each, and the annual value of the office estimated at 200; (7) Clerk of the Peace, standing salary 20, with annual perquisites estimated at 100; (8) Deputy to the Clerk of the Peace with 300 per annum; (9) Port Collector, 600, and a Deputy, at 100; (10) Port Surveyor, 500; (11) Land Waiter, 600; (12) Tide Surveyor, 140; (13) Collector of Excise, 600, and Deputy, 80; (14) Two Surveyors of Excise, 400; (15) Supervisor of Hearths, 200; (16) Gaugers, 400; (17) Tide Waiters, Boatmen, etc., 400; (18) Distributor of Stamps, 400; (19) Superintendent of Fisheries, 150; (20) Weighmaster for kelp, butter, etc., 150; (21) Pilot and Dockmaster, 200; (22) Clerk to Collect Lighthouse Duty, 80; (23) Town Major, 100; (24) Barrack Master, 300; (25) Coroner and Jailer, 200; (26) Four Sergeants at Mace, 4 each; (27) Sword and Mace-bearers, 4 each. The salaries of the Mayor, Recorder, Sheriffs and Town Clerk, together with 22 15s. for bread to be distributed in the church, and the lodgings of the Judges of Assize - 11 7s. 6d. annually - were defrayed out of the produce of the tolls and customs, which were set for 700 a year.