Local Traditions of the Battle of Aughrim
As Related by .
A photograph of the battlefield of Aughrim; this photograph was taken on 20 September 1942 and is part of the Browne collection at Galway library.
St. Ruth
With the fall of Athlone, through the obstinacy of St. Ruth, there was nothing left but to order a general retreat to a more favourable position, and leaving the gallant Colonel Richard Grace with many of his comrades, all put to the sword the now lying dead within the walls of that town, St. Ruth passed into Galway. He crossed the Suck at Ballinasloe and halted on the slopes of Aughrim, about three miles further on. Sarsfield with the more able officers advised him against giving battle, he preferred to prolong the campaign over winter.
The soldiers of William's Army were composed of at least ten nationalities, they were foreign to a winter campaign in Ireland. Disease and pestilence, with shortage of food for man and beast, would decimate them. The Irish army with a good command, would harass them by avoiding giving battle and striking when the opportune moment would arise. St. Ruth could not be moved, he was afraid that word would reach the French King and that he might be recalled in disgrace, and perhaps end his days in the Bastile. He disregarded the advise of his officers and gave a general order to the whole army under his command, to hold themselves in readiness. He awaited on the historic slopes of Aughrim, an admirable position. Here he hoped to give battle to the enemy; he would revenge the error of the Boyne, and retrieve the error of Athlone; he may fall in battle with an external halo of honour to surround his name. These vain thoughts urged him on.
Ginkle with his army followed in the footsteps of St. Ruth, and on the evening of the 11th July, some Irish troops were scouting and spotted an advance guard of Williamites approach from the Ballinasloe direction. They entered a small field nearby and were in the act of replenishing their water supply from a well, when the Irish opened fire on them. A short, sharp, engagement ensued, and both parties withdrew to their lines. It was now only a matter of time when the decisive blow would be struck, and sentinels on both sides kept a vigilant watch during the night. As the dawn broke and the first rays of light appeared from the east it was evident that a great blanket of fog was casting its massive folds over the plains below, even Kilcommedon heights were invisible.
Now the position taken up by St. Ruth gave him marked advantage over the enemy. The Hill of Kilcommedon extended to a distance of almost two miles from north to south, at places it inclined to a height of about 400 feet, and it varied from base to summit, to a quarter of a mile. In front was a morass of bog. At the extreme north end was the Castle of Aughrim, approached by a narrow pass between two bogs. To the south end lay the Pass of Urrachree, guarded by sand dunes or small hills. The hill of Kilcommedon was intersected by fences and thrown up trenches. Breaches were cut in places to allow cavalry to pass through. St. Ruth's main body manned those heights and trenches; his left was extended to Aughrim Castle; his position at the right rested at Urrachree.
Ginkle, an Officer of experience and a man who would listen to the good counsel of his officers saw that his chances of success were not too bright, especially against such troops as he had previously met at Athlone. Unlike St. Ruth he would not act on his own initiative, so he went into council of war with his Officers. Mackay and Talmash advised him to give battle as they saw danger in delay, and on their advice he agreed, rather reluctantly, we are told. One thing certain Ginkle had on his side reliable officers, well disciplined, and with a first class training.
It is unfortunate to state that on the Irish side the same could not be said. Tyrconnell the Viceroy, was doubtful and weak; it was said that he was more interested in himself than his country. He interfered in military affairs when he should not, and was almost lynched at Athlone for undue interference. He disliked Sarsfield, and slighted him whenever he got the chance. Then he had such traitors as Luttrell, Clifford and Maxwell. Sarsfield remonstrated with these and previously accused them of corresponding with the enemy, but Tyrconnell would not listen. With such men as these, St. Ruth went into battle. Of course he had with him devoted and trustworthy men who were honourable and above reproach, but a few traitors such as I have mentioned would have been shot out of hand before their ill designs were effected.
The Battle
It was on Sunday morning and masses were said and sermons were preached in the Irish camp, the soldiers were called upon to defend their country, their altars and their homesteads; defeat would mean extermination, confiscation and ruin. They would become the serfs and slaves of a relentless foe. Brave words and brave deeds were the order of the day. Most of the officers and men were true to their dear country and fought bravely that memorable day at Aughrim, but fate entwined with treachery turned victory into defeat.
The strength of both armies was about the same, the English 23,000, the Irish 22,500, but the English had 24 guns, the Irish having only 10. St. Ruth had gone into position at an early hour and only awaited the disappearance of the fog from the moors below. At 12 o'clock the sun's rays pierced through, and both armies, in full view faced each other. St. Ruth placed five guns on his right, with De Tesse his second in command. On the left was Sheldon, with Henry Luttrell, Purcell and Parker as reserve supports. At Aughrim were placed two guns with Colonel Burke and a regiment of foot. The centre, and along the slopes were manned by infantry under Hamilton and Dorrington. The cavalry slightly to the rear were in charge of Galmoy. A battery of three guns was in position on the slope of the hill, and covering the bog and narrow pass leading to Aughrim Castle. The gallant Sarsfield, the hero of Ballyneety, was relegated to an inferior command, and was sent with the reserve cavalry two miles to the rear. St. Ruth could not then cast away his prejudice against the greatest soldier of that time.
Ginkle had for his second in command the Duke of Wurtembur. At the centre were Mackay and Talmash, with the cavalry under Scavemore and De Ruvigny. Near the bog, at the centre, were two batteries, and two more at the advanced position covering the pass where it widened to Aughrim. To the left were the Danes, the Dutch and the French Huguenots commanded by La Melloniere, Tetteau, Nassau, and the Prince of Hesse. The cavalry to the extreme left were placed with La Forest, Eppinger and Portland in charge.
The first engagement took place at Urrachree, where some Irish outposts advanced to a stream and were fired on by a party of Danes. Fighting developed at this sector, and reinforcements were rushed by both sides but the English were driven back. There was a lull in the conflict and Ginkle held a further council of war. He was in doubt as to the advisability of giving battle. Again the strong hand of Mackay carried sway and after two hours' silence the guns from the English lines boomed forth. The battle renewed, Ginkle led the way towards Urrachree. The Danes made an attempt to manoeuvre a flanking movement but the Irish extended their line of defence and stemmed their advance. The Huguenots advanced to attack the hedges near the pass, and the Irish according to plan, retired and drew them on. With terrible effect a flanking fire was opened on them and they fell back in disorder, the Irish horse attacking as they retreated. Again Ginkle brought up the reserves, but yet again the Williamites were beaten back and driven into the bog below. To hold this position intact, St. Ruth moved a regiment from near Aughrim, with fatal results later. It was said that he carried out this movement on the advise of Luttrell. Mackay felt the weakened pulse at this sector and took full advantage of it; he at once sent his infantry across the bog. An hour and a half of hard fighting and how elapsed, and the Irish had held their ground with great gallantry.
It was at 6.30pm that 3,000 English advanced once more through the morass under cover of their artillery, and faced the hill in a vigorous attack on the Irish positions there. Again the Irish enticed them on until they were almost at the summit of the hill; then with lightning rapidity and heroic dash faced about and opened a deadly fire on them and with the cavalry coming on they were cut to pieces and hurled into the bog once more. In this attack they suffered a severe reverse losing many officers. At one place only did the Williamites make any advance that seemed dangerous. A couple of regiments converged, and gained a foothold among some walls and fences near Aughrim Castle. Colonel Burke's turn now came but to his dismay, he found that the ammunition given to his men was too large; they were compelled to use chapped ram rods and even buttons from their tunics. Here we find another act of unwarranted treachery. However, word was quickly conveyed to a body of cavalry in the immediate vicinity, and after a daring coup, and a stiff engagement, the English were driven back.
It is told that Mackay in all those defeats insisted in one last stand. He advanced with a body of cavalry through the pass at Aughrim, with only a couple of horses riding abreast at the time. St. Ruth watched the advance from the position above, and exclaimed "Pity to see such brave fellows throw away their lives in this way." He sent word to Sarsfield to send up 400 horse but stay on with the remainder, and await further orders. On the arrival of the body of cavalry St. Ruth placed himself at their head. He was in great heart and stated he would drive the English to the gates of Dublin. As he charged down the hill and veering towards one of his gunners to convey an order, a burst of chain shot got him, and his headless body rolled from the saddle.
I would like to add here that this seemed like fate, but tradition has it otherwise. A couple of days prior to the great battle a peddler named Mullin arrived at the Irish Camp, he sold laces and spent long enough to get the information he desired to convey to the enemy. He heard St. Ruth was to ride on a grey charger, as this was one of his favourite mounts. In that fatal charge the Williamite gunner picked on him as he sped across the plain to meet Mackay. The first shot missed and a young ensign named Trench took the gun in hand and fired. The gunner remarked to Trench "his hat is knocked off Sir." "Yes," said Trench, "but you will find his head in it too." The cavalry in their dash were halted with no responsible officer to lead them. St. Ruth's body covered with a trooper's cloak was carried to the rear and an attempt was made to conceal his fate, but the true facts leaked out. The result was, his regiment of Blue Guards (French cavalry) retired from the field, followed by the Irish.
No assistance came to Galmoy in his endeavour to hold up Mackay and the English made a flanking movement at Aughrim Castle. At the same time, Ginkle pressed at the centre and broke the front line of defence. The Irish infantry under Dorrington, made a brave stand, but were compelled to fall back in broken formation. At one place known as the Bloody Hollow about 2,000 Irish were encircled, and trapped; the remainder retired in hot haste. Sarsfield galloped to the scene of battle but too late, and with a heavy heart, he gathered together the remnants of a defeated army. The slaughter was great, the English lost 2,700 killed and wounded, the Irish about 5,000. Included in this would be those surrendered in the bloody hollow.
In the early hours of the morning of the 13th after torrential rain during the night, the English in savage fury, murdered those prisoners. It was said that the little stream at the base of the hill ran red with blood of the slain. The dead were left unburied, and Story, the Williamite historian, said that a human being was not to be seen for miles around. Great packs of roving dogs took possession of the battlefield and devoured the bodies of the dead, and for months it was unsafe for the traveller to pass that way.
Sarsfield retreated through Limerick; on his way he passed through Woodford and according to tradition, at that town he buried some pieces of artillery at Derrycregg wood. The enemy must have harassed him on the way, as at Woodford he reversed the shoes on his cavalry.
On the night of the 14th we find that Ginkle, with a body of cavalry, arrived at Eyrecourt, and bivouacked in the grounds of Eyrecourt Castle that night. Eyre received him with great pomp and splendour.
So much for the slogan that caught the eye of the visitor who entered the entrance door of the castle. It read:- "WELCOME TO THE HOUSE OF LIBERTY" To this we pass by with smile. So ended the battle of Aughrim with bitter memories to follow.
- St. Ruth arrived in Ireland on the 9th May, 1691, and was not long enough on Irish soil to judge the sincerity and advice given to him by the officers under his command. He was unable to calculate between the good and the evil.
- His failure at Athlone forced his hand at Aughrim, as I have already stated, but his own personal ambition was at stake.
- Three responsible Officers with the rank of colonel were unreliable. They were previously caught holding correspondence with the enemy - how could they be trusted at Aughrim? One of them, Luttrell, was assassinated on the streets of Dublin, undoubtedly for his past treachery.
- The deploying of the regiment from near Aughrim seemed to be rather exposed as immediately the English probed the line at that sector and massed their infantry on it.
- The death of St. Ruth seemed to paralyse the French cavalry - they lacked discipline or leadership, or perhaps both. If they had even made a stand the tide of battle may have changed.
- The fact that when Mackay was forcing the pass at Aughrim, and the time that elapsed before word was conveyed to Sarsfield, and the coming up of the cavalry a great number of the English must have got through. If Sarsfield was allowed to come up with the whole of his cavalry and take command there is little doubt but the tide of battle would be changed. Mackay's flanking movement would have been broken, and the Irish infantry would have held the heights of Kilcommedon.
- When St. Ruth was killed the whole plan of battle seemed to have been lost, as even the second in command De Tesse failed to take control. There was no united command, the cavalry retreated while the infantry fought on for almost two hours.
- To allow a spy to enter and get away from the Irish camp with valuable information was to be deplored. This one man may have been responsible for the disaster that befell the Irish army at Aughrim.