The New Friary
Galway Advertiser, September 1833
There is actually being build at this moment in Galway, a new Convent for a hive of those drones, the Friars. These "holy boys" are of the "Augustinian" order (mark that word order), and though they had before a good substantial, comfortable domicile, they wished to be as "respectable" as their brother orders the Dominicans and Franciscans. Out of mere poverty, for the Friars profess to live by beggary, these lads are having build for themselves a splendid, noble, spacious, mansion, which to judge by its outwards appearance, cannot cost less that 2,000l, before it be made inhabitable. Yet they are doing this chiefly with their own money, after, of course, having tagged as much as they could get; - why they get all their money by begging, do they not?
Good beggars are they, and successful, - something in the style of "big beggar man" for so much have they got by this begging of their, that like "gentlemen" as they are, they now pull down their old abode, and build themselves a fitting domicile.
Oh! The hypocrites and yet they persuade the poor gulled Romanists they are so poor they never can buy a breakfast, and always need to beg one! Will our English readers believe it? There are actually hundreds, and for aught we know, thousands of Romanists of this town who are convinced these Friars cannot buy a breakfast. Yes if we believe them saying that their gains, whether by begging or otherwise, are clear thousand a year, let them stand forth and prove it. Beggars indeed! Ah! It would be well for the poor paupers of this town if these "gentlemen" did not come in between them and public charity, and well for the working classes if these idle holy ones would work for their bread like honest men.