Out Of The Ashes

Connacht Tribune - August 20th 1971

It is likely that out of the ashes there will rise a magnificent modernistic shopping centre. Plans for this development were announced a year or so ago by Messrs. Thomas McDonagh and Son Ltd., and the figure of £2m was mentioned at that time, as a probable estimation of the cost. Outline planning permission has been granted for this project which will include a multi-storey building with car park, accommodation for 600 vehicles, a hotel, a wide variety of shopping accommodation, an office block, an ultra modern hotel and other ancillary buildings, all designed on the most up to date lines.

Mr. Thomas McDonagh has confirmed that the shopping centre arcade development still stands but no date has been fixed for the start of the construction work.

He said the timber yards formerly occupying the burned out site were being moved to the firm's new premises at Ballybane and it is hoped to have these in service within two months.

He said between 40 and 50 men were affected by the fire damage and all were now employed in other departments of the firm so there was no redundancy.

This applied to the other major firms affected by the fire also thus allaying fears that the damage could have led to serious loss of employment.

Mr. G.I. Corbett, managing director of Messrs. Corbetts, said the continued employment of their 75 staff involved was assured and the firm was carrying on business from their Wellpark yards and offices. They were also carrying in business from their stock rooms at Whitehall which escaped the fire and would shortly open a shop in nearby Castle Street from which they would carry on their retail business.

A spokesman for the Blackrock Tailoring Company, the third major business firm affected by the fire damages, said there would be no redundancy.

These developments within the last 48 hours have reduced the adverse effects of the blaze and other firms and premises damaged to varying degrees business is being conducted as usual and stocks are being replaced and undamaged stock salvaged.

Examinations of all the structural damage is well under way and repairs have begun on the premises less seriously damaged.

As this edition went to press traffic was still being diverted from Williamsgate Street and (continued on Page 20)