
Galway Advertiser, 27th February 1847

"A Shopkeeper" in Loughrea has written to us a letter on the great disadvantage the inhabitants are under in consequence of the want of a Seneschal in that town. He calls on his townsmen to memorial the Marquis of Clanricarde on the subject, and expresses a hope that his lordship will attend to the matter with as little delay as possible. He also strenuously advocates the necessity of appointing one or more additional coroners for the town and neighbourhood. "At a time" says our correspondent when death is decimating the ranks of our unfortunate poor, and when every town, and village, and hamlet, throughout the length and breadth of the land has its records full to competition of death from starvation it may be through that we of this town and vicinage are in comparative health and comfort, and to a certain extent unscathed by the present destroying scourge, but such is not the case. The deaths here are unremitting and numerous, but they pass unnoticed because their frequency has ceased to be wonderful. Had we one or more coroners in the district, "he continues" the rest of our countrymen would at least perceive that we are suffering as much, if not more, that most other parts, of the Island." We have thought better thus to give substance of "Shopkeeper's" letter as the present form will in all probability much sooner catch the eye of the noble marquis for whom it is intended than if it were given in extenso. For ourselves we are much surprised his lordship has not appointed a successor to the late Mr. Silk long ere this, and now when an all but a direct calls made upon him to accommodate the inhabitants of Loughrea, we are sure his lordship will feel but too happy in complying with their request.