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[Hand of T. O'Conor:]
Loughrea Parish | - | Situation of, name of. |
Name | - | probable meaning of, origin of, according to the Dinnseanchus, which shows it was called after a man's name. |
Loch riach | - | Ogygia, C. XVII. p. 36, Part III. 4 Mrs. A.M. 3506; Do. AD 797, 821, 881, 1576, 1580, 1582, 1600, 1601. |
Loughrea town | - | Abbey ruins; and Church ruins at. St. Brigid's well in Boherbwee in. Remains of an old Castle in. Sites of two of the 4 gates of, pointed out. part of the old wall of, remaining. |
Ballybroder townland | - | Lady Well in, old Castle in ruins in. |
Kincullia townland | - | burying place for Children, in. |
St. Laurence's Fields T.L. | - | A burying place for unbaptized Children, in. |
Ballygasty townland | - | old Castle, in. |
Inquisition taken at Galway, 20th March, 1608. | - | Loughreegh barony, mentioned in, as one of the six, composing the territory of Clanrickard. There are afterwards noticed the names of several qrs. of land, some of which, are identified with names of townlands in this Parish. |
Seven Monuments | - | Feara Bréige, remarked. |
Monument of antiquity | - | mentioned by Dutton. |
Cromlech | - | mentioned by Do. |
Having returned from Mountshannon on Monday last the 5th Inst. to Woodford; having in the interim on my way turned to Doorus, where I found only an old church yard {burying ground} without any ruins, which might by their interesting age, invite particular attention; and having consulted (some of) the inhabitants of Doorus about names of places, villages, and subdivisions of townlands (&c.), in the neighbourhood, respecting all which, I found they had but a very slight knowledge; I proceeded on the following day {Tuesday} through Doniry to Loughrea.
When I was looking at Doniry old church, it began to rain, and continued exceedingly wet the whole day and night afterwards. It was considerably late when I reached Loughrea, after having got the names in the parish of Doniry, and the rain fell in torrents during the whole walk. The days are so short that it is necessary to employ a part of the night in getting over even a comparatively short distance, particularly if any difficulty present itself in getting the names, and if much time be taken
be taken up in taking a view of the character of Architecture exhibited by a church or abbey. On the following day after my return to Loughrea, I had to look out for some names about the town, which were necessarily postponed till I should have returned from Mountshannon.
Afterwards at night, I had to write in the Name books, as many names as remained in pencil, as obtained on the ground; which, after several enquiries for them, during my traversing the district, I could not till then acquiesce in as being in any tolerable degree, Certain.
On Thursday last, I came to this town; and as the days since were so dry I went out each day to the neighbouring Parishes. The names of as many of which as I have gone over, I have written in the books; and the ruins found in which, I have a description of, for insertion in respectively in Letters hereafter.
The Parish of Ballinakill in the Barony of Leitrim gave me more trouble than a whole barony in the County of Kildare.
I now commence to write about the parishes, through which my course was directed since I set out from Loughrea to Mountshannon, and since my leaving this last place.
I have given these notices of my excursion to Mountshannon, to show satisfactorily how my attention has been since taken up.
This parish lies in the Northern part of the barony of Loughrea according to the description of its situation in the Name-book, in which it is said to be bounded on the N.W. and N. by the parish of Kilconnickny in the barony of Loughrea.
On the East by that of Kilreekil in the barony of Athenry; on the S.E. by that of Kilmeen in the barony of Leitrim, and on the S. and S.W. by that of Killeenadeema in the barony of Loughrea.
The lake upon the North margin of which, the town of Loughrea is situated, and which is written in the Dinnseanchus, Loch Riach, whose origin is accounted for in this document, gave name to the town, parish and barony
The local name of the town is Baile Loch' Ríac, pronounced Bail' Loch Riach, which signifies 'the town of Lough riach', (i.e. probably) the town of the grey (greyish) lake.
The lake has been designated, it might be supposed, from the colour exhibited by its waters, assigning a cause for which, Dutton in his Statistical Survey of the County of Galway, p. 328,
where he speaks of (the) town of Loughrea as situated on the lake from whence it derives its name, says that
it has been suggested that its {the lake's} general green hue proceeds from a mineral Cause; this must be erroneous for it possesses neither this colour nor any mineral taste after being taken from the lake. The colour probably may be caused not only by the ever verdant hills which surround it on the East and South; but by the reflection of a clear sky from a bottom of white marl; &c.
Whether this be the Cause of the Colour of the lake or not we leave to the naturalist to decide, as it is sufficient on our part to explain the signification of the name.
It is however stated in the Dinnseanchus {Book of Leacan Folio 241 bb.} that the lake was designated from Riach one of the four Kings of Maenmach {Maenmoy} , who was drowned in it.
The words of the prose account literally translated, are -
Loughriach; from what did it take its name - non difficile - Four Kings {swayed power} in Maenmach, whose names were Caimell, and Edar, and Casta, and Riach.
Caimell indeed had a daughter and Edar had another. Casta and Riach asked for (.i. wooed) the princesses. They were refused the daughters. They then proclaimed battle against them {i.e. against Caimell and Edar}, and these other two, assented to this. When they were carrying on the battle, they fought it against a
herd of oxen; and there did not escape from the battle but Riach alone from whom, is named Loch Riach, in which he was ({afterwards}) drowned.
The whole circumstance is related (more largely) in a poem following this prose account; In which poem, are given these curious notices introduced towards the end as a short history of the lake. It is stated that the sheep of all Ireland were driven into it every seventh year, to render their wool red.
Cach seachtmhadh bliadhan fa bhúan;
Fa finn ag teacht isa loch,
Corcra go cloth cindís uadh.
Being white on their coming into the lake, they leave it excellently red.
From this circumstance, as is mentioned in the same poem, just after the lines quoted, Sce na caerach {Skeaghnageeragh (the bush of the sheep)} over the lake {os a chind}, and Ath na caerach {Athnageeragh, the ford of the sheep} received their denomination.
It is then said that Fot from whom, Mag Fot {The Plain of Fot; Moyode, is still retained in the name of a Gentleman's seat in Kilconniran Ph.} is designated, was the law giver of the lake.
A rath na rigro bo cloth;
Ise an fotsin feftha slogh,
Fa reachtaire lor Donloch
Fot from whom Mag Fot {Moyode} {was surely denominated}
{And} who was famous at the Royal rath {Croghan}.
That Fot, who was the reviewer of the hosts,
Was the full law-giver of the lake.
In the Ogygia of O'Flaherty, Chapter XVII, Page 36 Part III, we have this notice of Lough riach with several other lakes -
Three years after {?} {2937} the following lakes began to overflow, Loch Kime, today Loch Hacket above the Moy Sreang, in the rectory of Muntir moroghow in the diocese of Tuam, and County of Galway; Loch buadha, Lochbaa, Loch rein, Loch Finmoy, Loch grene, Loch riach in the barony of Moen moy, now Clanrickard, which is also within the district ({County}) of Galway
The Four Masters, however, record in the Annals at the year Ao. Mi. 3506, that 'Loch riach burst forth'. So much for the name and origin gf Loughrea, {Loch Riach}. The Annals just referred to also record at the year AD 797, that,
Loch riach was destroyed by Muirgins, the son of Tomaltach.
AD 821 Fearghal, the son of Catharnach, Lord of Loch riach died.
AD 881 Corbmac the son of Ceithearnach Prior of Tirdaghlas and Clonfert Brennain, and the second Lord of Loch riach, died.
AD 1576 The Lord Chief Justice ({Sir Henry Sidney}) having established peace throughout every part of Ireland, through which he had passed, proceeded to Dublin, bringing the sons of the Earl of Clannrickard, with him as pledges for the reparation of injuries which they had previously committed upon the Queen's subjects in revenge of the death of their father. When
the Lord Chief Justice however arrived in Dublin with these hostages, his heart was suddenly softened into kindness, so that he suffered them {to relieve their dejected minds} to go and visit their friends in the neighbouring territories, but upon Condition that they would not pass into their own native territories until he should give them liberty to do so at some future time. They promised to observe this Condition, but as soon as they had reached the boundary of their territory, they violated their psomise, for they passed into their native principality, and some say that they did so at the Connivance of their father. For this, however, he was soon sorry, for in five
nights afterwards, the Lord Chief Justice Came in pursuit of his sons as far as Athlone, and their father the Earl of Clannrickard, was forced to give up to him the town of Loughrea, and all his patrimonial inheritance, his fertile lands, mountains and Castles &c.; he himself was taken and proclaimed the Queen's prisoner &c.
AD 1580 The sons of the Earl of Clanrickard {Ulick and John} were at strife with each other but at peace with the English. A party of the respectable inhabitants were at this time put into Close Confinement by the Constable of Loughrea, Jones by name,
who had the Command of the warders of that town since the Capture of the Earl. It was a source of great sickness of heart to John Bourke that his town and prisoners should thus remain in the hands of the English, and he formed a resolution to attack Loughrea by night. This he did accordingly and took it, killing every one able to bear arms within it with the single exception of the Constable whom he spared. He then liberated the prisoners and sent his Ollaves and Chosen people to remonstrate with his brother Ulick, requesting him to abandon the English Cause, saying he himself would be obedient to him as a Junior should be to a Senior, and that
he would permit his {Ulick's} son whom he had in his Custody to go home to him, and also promised to give up to him as an acknowledgement of Seniority, Leitrim, the Island of Loughrea and the town of Loughrea.
Ulick accepted of this grant, and both with one accord revolted against the English. The first thing they did was to destroy the Castles of Clanrickard. They first demolished the Castle of Loughrea, the principle [sic] rendezvous of the people of that Country, and there scarcely remained one Castle from Clonfert Brenain in the East of the territory of O'n-Anmchada
to Kilmacduagh in the North of Kinel-Aodha-na-h-Echte, and from Uaran to Cluain-da-damh, which they did not demolish.
AD 1582 The Earl of Clanrickard {Richard Saxonach, the son of Ulick na gceann, who was son of Richard, who was son of Ulick of Knocktoe, who was son of Ulick Meadhonach, who was son of Ulick an fhiona}, he who had been taken prisoner by the Lord Chief Justice, Sir Henry Sidney, in the year of the age of Christ 1576, and who after his Capture had been Confined for a year in Dublin and all the rest of the time from that year to this in London, fell into a lingering Consumption in the summer of this year in London. His Physicians and doctors said that it was more probable that he would die than recover from
disease, and that if he were desirous of recovering his health, he could only recover it by going to see his patrimonial inheritance and breathing the air of his native Country. The Earl therefore in Consideration of his ill health, was allowed to Come to Ireland, by permission of the prince (sovereign) {Queen} and the Council {parliament}, and he brought a pardon to his sons, and forgiveness for all the injuries they had Committed. He landed first in Dublin, whence he afterwards set out for Athlone; from thence he went to Galway, in which town he was received with an enthusiastic welcome. There he remained to rest and recruit himself after the fatigues of his Voyage; and he was visited by his friends and relatives, and his English and Irish allies. But at length and
when he was desirous to go home to his patrimony and people and Children, his sickness and disease encreased, and to such a degree that at last he died, in the month of August. His funeral dirge was sung in that town {Galway} by his friends, and his body was Conveyed to Loughrea where it was honorably interred.
AD 1600 *** O'Donnell permitted Mac William and those who had come from Iar-Connaght to return home, and he set out himself in a directly Eastern direction along the Common roads of the Country and arrived in the evening in Conmaicne Cuile Toladh in the Centre of the province where he remained for that night. On the next day O'Donnell ordered his people to send all their Cattle and other spoils home
to their houses under the Care of their servants and the unarmed and wounded among them. ***
O'Donnell sent a large party of his warriors and soldiers to clear the way for the others above mentioned in Carrying home the spoils. He advised O'Rorke and his people and all the other Connacians to return home; and retained five hundred of his Choice soldiers and sixty horsemen of his nearest friends, with whom he remained in the Camp for that night and until twelve O'Clock on the following day. They afterwards marched through the province in a South Easterly direction and arrived at Loughrea by the twilight of the following morning. This was the residence of the Earl of Clanrickard.
They sent out marauding parties in evesy direction to plunder the Country and these seized upon all the Cattle in the neighbourhood and collected them together and then proceeded with them Eastwards across the province and on Sunday night encamped with them near the borders of the province to the South of the Suck where they remained until Monday morning. On this day {Monday} they proceeded across Athleague and through the plain of Naoi, the son of Allgubha, and in the evening arrived at Leaghais where they encamped Northwards of the river for the night. On the next day, they crossed Curlieu na Leaghsa and proceeded through the territory of Corran to Ballymoat,
where he dismissed his forces to their respective homes loaded with spoils and booty
AD 1601 The sons of John na Seamar (Burk), who was son of Richard Saxonach, happened to be encamped during the first day of the month of January in O'Meagher's Country in Hy-Cairin. Spies and scouts were sent out by the nobles of the Butlers to reconnoitre them, and discover whether an advantageous attack could be made upon them. To give this matter due deliberation, Sir Walter, the son of John, who was son of James Butler, and Mac Pierce {James the son of Edmond, who was son of Pierce} and some of the nobles of the two Counties, Kilkenny (& Tipperary) {after the report of the spies}
met on a Certain night at an appointed place, and the result of their Conference was a determination to attack the Connaght Camp at day break next morning.
An unusual accident occurred in the Camp of the Burkes, for by a most fatal oversight, they neglected to place sentinels on the watch so that their enemies finding them unguarded, rushed into the midst of them and left them lying mangled and slaughtered, gashed and bloodstained Corpses throughout their tents and booths. On this occasion was slain O'Shaughnessy, John, {the son of Gilduff, who was son of Dermott, who was son of William}, who had been banished from his patrimony as indeed had been all those plunderers, who were in Confederacy with the sons of John Burke.
John Oge, the son of John Burke, was taken prisoner and Conveyed to Kilkenny, where he was placed in Confinement. Redmond Burke and William with some of their people escaped from this massacre and went into Ely. After remaining a short time there, they passed into Ulster, leaving the Castles which they had hitherto possessed in East Munster under a very slender guard. On their arrival in the territory of the North, i.e. of O'Neill and O'Donnell; Redmond proceeded to hire soldiers to march into Clanrickard, and having Collected a sufficient number, he led them during the first days of Spring across the Erne, and passed along the borders of Breifny O'Rourke, through the
Counties of Sligo and Roscommon, and across the river Suck into Clann-Conmhaigh. He made a prisoner of the Lord of the latter territory Viz - McDavid {Fiach, the son of Hobart Boy}, who was son of William, who was son of Thomas}, and afterwards proceeded to Tuath-an-Chalaidh in the upper part of Hy-Many in the County of Galway. When the Earl of Clanrickard {Ulick Burke} had heard of his proceedings, he went to the Eastern extremity of this Country to await and watch him, but notwithstanding all his vigilance, Redmond passed by him into Clanrickard, on the 13nth of the month of March, without being heard or noticed by him, and proceeded onwards to the territory of Kenel-Feichin to the South of the barony of Leitrim in the County of Galway
At the break of day on the following morning, Redmond sent forth marauding parties, through every townland of that territory from Magh-glass to Crannog-Meg-Cnaimhin and from Coill-Chreac (Breach) to the Mountain, and before the noon of that day, he had made himself master of all the properties and moveables effects [sic] of that territory. Shortly afterwards he went to reside in the woods situated in the upper part of that territory, and for four or five days wandered about from place to place, plundering his neighbours and fortifying his Camp, until the Earl of Clanrickard accompanied by all the troops, he had been
able to muster in the territory, arrived and pitched his Camp at the monastery of Kinel-Feichin. Thus they {i.e. the Earl and Redmond} remained for four or five days {during which time some persons of low-rank were slain on both sides}, until Teige the son of Brian na murtha, who was son of Brian Ballach, who was son of Owen O'Rourke, arrived with a number of bold and well armed troops to assist Redmond. When the Earl perceived that these two parties were united against him, he left his Camp and passed into Clanrickard. The others pursued him as far as Loughreagh; and because
the Earl and his people effected their escape from them on this occasion, they traversed, plundered and burned the Country from Leitrim to Ard-Maol dubhain and as far as the gate of Feadan in the West of Kinel-Aodha. When Redmond arrived with his bands on the frontiers of Thomond, he pitched his Camp at the Western side of Lough Cutra, where he was joined by a nobleman of the Dalcassians, Teige {the son of Torlogh, who was son of Conor} O'Brien, who had adopted this step in compliance with the advice and solicitations of bad and foolish men, and
without consulting and taking counsel of his father, or the Earl of Clanrickard, who was his kinsman and friend. Here he entered into a Confederacy with the sons of John Burke, and in the Course of three days afterwards, requested them to accompany him on an excursion into some part of Thomond. This request was not refused, for he was accompanied by some of the chiefs from the Camp with their kerns. Among these Chiefs, were William the son of John Burke, and the grandson of the Mac William viz Walter, the son of William, who was son of David, who was son of Edmond, who was son of Ulick.
On leaving the Camp, they passed along the borders of Kinel-Aodha na-h-Echtghe, and Kinel-Dunghaile, and sent forth marauding parties on both sides of the River Fergus. ***
A great number of the Queen's people came from various places to assist the Earl of Clanrickard. Among others, eight or nine Companies of soldiers were sent from the president of the two provinces of Munster, the Earl's own son also, who had been for some time before along with the Lord Chief Justice, joined him
with a number of foreign youths and the deputy of the province of Connaght, repaired to his aid with a body of troops from Galway. As soon as the sons of John Burke had heard of this muster, they marched back East of the Mountain until they reached the fastnesses in the territory of Kinel-Fechin where they remained in their former tents. They had not been long there, when the sons of the Earl, viz - the Baron of Dun-Cuillin {Dunkellin} and Sir Thomas Burke, and as many of his sons as were capable of bearing arms, arrived
in the territory in pursuit of them, at the head of a very numerous force and pitched a splendid and extensive Camp in the very middle of the territory.
The Earl of Clanrickard himself was not in this Camp, for he had fallen severely ill, of an acute disease on the week before, so that he was not able to undertake an expedition.
When the deputy of the Governor of Connaght and the Baron of Dunkellin {Dun-Cuillin} had received intelligence that Teige O'Brien was severely wounded in the Camp of Redmond Burke, they sent him a protection in the Queen's name upon which he went to them and the Baron sent him an escort with him to Leitrim, one of the Earl's Castles.
But he did not long survive his arrival there, for he died immediately afterwards and was interred successively at Loughreagh and Athenry in the same week.
As to the Camps in the territory of Kinel-Feichin, they remained face to face reconnoitering each other daily from the festival of St. Patrick to the end of the month of April, when the sons of John Burke, whose stores of fleshmeat and other provisions had now become scarce and were almost exhausted qutted the territory. After their departure, they plundered O'Madden {Donall, the son
of John, who was son of Breasal} and then proceeded across the Suck. In the mean time the sons of the Earl Continued in pursuit of them, and many persons were slain between both parties.
The sons of John Burke then went to Tirconnell to O'Donnell, and the sons of the Earl returned to their own Country and houses, and upon their return they found their father on the point of death. After making his will and bidding farewell to his earthly friends, and Concluding his worldly Covenants, the Earl {Ulick the son of Richard, who was
son of Ulick na gceann} died, in the month of May at Loughreagh, and was interred at Athenry with great honour. His death was one of the lamentable occurrences of the time in Ireland. He was a mighty and justly judging Lord, of a mild and August Countenance as becoming a chief, affable in conversation, gentle towards his friends, fierce to his neighbouring enemies, and impartial in all his decisions, and a man who had never been known to act a feeble or imbecile part on the field of danger from the period when he had
first taken up arms to the day of his death. His son Richard was appointed to his place.
At the town of Loughrea, are still visible the ruins of a small but neat abbey, which according to Archdall from War: Mon: -
Richard de Burgh Earl of Ulster founded about the year A.D. 1300 for Carmelites or White Friars, under the invocation of the Virgin Mary.
It happened that I could not have made time when at Loughrea to take the dimensions of this abbey and its architectural features in particular. I have taken however a general view of it on the morning of the day we removed to Gort. It appears (to be) in very good preservation; the tower remains still; the door
on the west end, and the several windows {as many of them as came (at the time) under my observation} are in the pointed style.
Near the end of the town to the left of the road leading from it to Ballinasloe, stand the ruins of an old Church, which is called St. Brigid's.
Its extent inside is 49 feet long and 25 feet broad. The West gable is down, near which, is a breach on the South side wall, now 9 feet broad at the ground, and 8 feet high. The upper part retains its original form, being mason-work of small rude stones.

Near East gable on this wall, there is a window place, now opened at top, and battered on both sides.
On the East gable, there is a window of ornamentedly Chiseled stones; which was originally on the inside about 5 feet from the ground; the wall being now battered under it; and is 3½ feet broad in the lower part; and no less apparently than 8 feet high.
It is crossed in the upper part with a flag stone, between 4 and 6 inches thick, and extending the whole breadth of the window; and is of a quadrangular form.
On the outside it is 4 feet from the ground, is 6 feet, 7 inches high and 2 feet 1½ inches broad.
There is a window on the North side wall, about 4½ feet from the ground, which is 2 feet, 2 inches high and 10 inches broad.
St. Brigid's well is in Boherbwee, Bothar Buidhe, in the town.
The remains of a Castle are seen (at) a bridge locally called "Lottomer" bridge, in the town, where one of the four gates in the town-wall formerly stood.
A gate, it is said, was placed at Mill bridge, close to the Chapel in the town. The spot where the other two gates were
I have not got exactly pointed out; but they stood at the Western part of the (town), as well as I could ascertain.
A part of the wall that formerly surrounded the town, is still to be seen along one side of a walk, which Dutton in his Statistical Survey ({p. 329}), says, is
Called the Mall, much frequented on Sundays, but in a state of gross neglect. It was laid out and planted by the late Mr. Robert Power, a very intelligent and extensive Nurseryman, and was formerly well kept, but seems to be at present totally neglected.
Guide through Ireland by James Fraser, speaking of the town of Loughrea, notices in page 231 that -
It Contains a small Cavalry and infantry, Barrack; a neat parish Church, commodious Chapel and a Carmelite Friary, and Nunnery. Attached to the friary, is a very neat Chapel, and the well-preserved ruins of the small venerable Abbey. Connected with the monastic establishment, is a well-kept promenade, overshadowed with aged trees, the only thing of the kind to be met with in the Province. This walk runs close to a part of the old embattled walls which formerly surrounded the town.
Lady's well lies in Ballybroder townland, Baile Ui Bhródair, where there is also an old Castle in ruins.
In Kincullia townland, Cionn Choilleadh, is a burying place for children, and in St. Laurence's Fields T.L. is a spot, wherein unbaptized Children used to be buried.
The only use in noticing such insignificant (unimportant) things as these little burying places, is that, by means of attending to them in general, the site of some ancient historical Church might one time or other be detected.
An old Castle stands in ruins in the townland of Ballygasty, Baile Ui Ghasta
Inquisition taken at Galway, 20th March 1608, before Geoffrey Osbaldstone Esqre. {and others} by the oaths of lawful men who say that Ulick Bourke first Earl of Clanrickard before his Creation by Henry 8th, was seized in fee by discent from his ancestors of the territory of Clanrickard Consisting of six baronies viz: Loughreegh, Dunkellin, Kitartan or Kiltaraght, Clare, Athenry, and Leitrim, some
of the manors whereof he held in demeane and all the rest of the said Country that possessed by the gentlemen & freeholders were holden from him by Knight's Service. *** That it was found by an Inquisition taken before John Crofton Esqre. at Athenry 1st October 1584, that Rickard {2nd Earl of Clanrickard} died 24th July 1582 seized in fee and fee taile of of the several lands following Viz - the manors and Castles of Loughreagh, Dunkellin, Leitrim, Clare &c.
*** 'That said Rickard late Earl died seized in fee tail by virtue of letters patents dated at Dublin eighteenth day of July 12th Eliz: of several abbeyes', among which is set down 'the late house of Friar Carmelites in Loughreagh'.
*** That Earl Ulick {3rd Earl of Clanrickard} was seized in fee and fee tayle of the lands hereafter, viz - the manor of Looghreogh {12 q:} extending in the lands of Towroistagh, Ceancoylly, Caher, Garrybride(a) and In Pairkavore {1 qr} Parkejokaragh & Pollenvrenly {1 qr.} Parkebeg, Cornwell and Garranmore {1 q.} Rawaren &
Cahir Robart {1 q.} Cahergeall {1 qr. } Ballywrony {1 qr.} Carrowvore and Cahernichollnabine {1 qr.} Lussefooky {½ qr.} in Ballincurry {2 qr.} Sheangarry(b) {1 Cart:} Tireflahy {1 q.} Cahercree {1½ qr.} Lyssmoyle and Cahernaman {1½ q.} Caherbrisce {½ qr.}.
(a) [Referred to on MS p. 235] Towroistagh, is now Tóin Róistigh, Anglicised Tonerostia, a townland in the parish of Loughrea. Ceancoylly, is in Irish Cionn Coilleadh, Anglicised Kincullia, a townland in this parish. Caher, Cathair - There are four Cahers, with different designatives in the parish.
Garrybride, (qu?) Garaidh Bhríghde Garryvreeda, which is now the name of a field in the townland of Lackabaun at the village of Dooniry in Dooniry parish in the baronies of Leitrim and Longford.
(b) [Referred to on MS p. 236] The only other name among these in the Inquisition, that I see identifiable with any (T.L. name) in the Parish of Loughrea is, Sheangarry which is written in the name book, 'Knockshangarry', and, 'Shangarry'; but is always pronounced Sean Gharaidh (in Irish) by the people.
*** That said Ulick died at Loughreogh 20th May 1601, leaving Rickard the now Earle, his son and heire.
It is remarked in the Name book, that there is in the townland of Moanmore {&c.?}, a mound of earth similar to a fort having seven large stones sticking in the banks all round it.
These are set down in the name book under the name of Seven monuments; and are locally Called Feara Bréige i.e. pseudo-men.
Dutton in his Statistical Survey, p. 471, says -
A curious monument of antiquity may be seen near the town of Loughrea, on monument hill. There were formerly eight flat and rude stones, about 4 feet high, and 2 feet broad tapering to a round top; five are still standing, two are lying flat, and one wanting; they are at equal distances, about seven yards asunder, in a circular mound of earth raised about four feet above the adjoining ground. In the Centre there is a tumulus of earth raised about two feet. There is a Charming view from this hill of Loughrea, the Shannon, Dalystown, the
Tipperary, Clare, Cunnemara, Mayo and Burrin Mountains, Croagh Patrick &c. &c., the foreground uncommonly undulating and picturesque. There are some vestiges of a circular entrenchment round the foot of the hill. The interior of this 'Stone-henge' should not, I imagine, have been planted; the very shape should have prevented it. About 300 yards to the S.W. of this hill, may be seen a very rude Cromlech, consisting of two side stones, covered with a lozenge-shaped stone about three feet broad and four long. I give this from a note I made on the spot; but I have been since informed that there have been doubts about the antiquity of this fort, and it is asserted that it is of modern date, and a mere imitation, a flight of fancy. If so it does infinite credit to the designer; finding it in company of the Cromlech, helps the idea of its originality.
Parturiunt montes (monumenta); nascitur (or natus est) ridiculus mus.
T. O'Conor
[Landscape in pencil in right-hand margin:] I had no time to go see this 'Stone henge' of Dutton's, which if it be but a 'flight of fancy' can be of no great curiosity. I have, however, no ancient historical reference to it as a monument of antiquity.
[Landscape in pencil in left-hand margin:] This Letter has been written at various (several) intervals, as opportunity afforded. My being out every day at Gort, prevented the finishing of it there. Then the removal here to Mountrath, from which I send it, this 16nth of Novbr., proved a second delay. I will now, however, very soon finish what I have to write relative to Co: Galway.