[Hand of T. O'Conor:]
Teena and Dooniry parishes {in Co: Galway} - notable objects therein remarked.
November 16nth 1838.
The Parish of Teena, situated in the baronies of Leitrim and Longford, is 6 miles N. East of Woodford and about 4 miles N. West of Portumna.
The local pronunciation of this name, is so identically the same both in English and Irish, as given by every one, whom I consulted, that it is impossible to explain the meaning of it as an Irish word. The only Irish form of it, I could obtain, is Tíneáth, which indeed may be no other than an attempt at Hibernicising the word Teena.
Teena may be, with probability, be considered as an Anglicised form of t-Aonach, which signifies the fair, or meeting. If this be not correct, I do not at present see, what meaning can be assigned it.
At the village of Teena, there is seen nothing of interest. Tradition says that a monastery formerly occupied the place, where the Protestant church of the Parish now stands. At the village is a small pool called Lochan Buidhe, Loughaunbwee, i.e. the yellow little lough.
In the N.E. end of the townland of Lecarrow - Leath Cheathramhadh - {locally Leath Cheathramhainn}, about one mile N. East of Teena village, lies billoo - Bileadh (Bileamh) - burying ground.
About 3 miles S. East of Teena village is a burying ground, where Cill Chorbain, locally pronounced Cill C'rubain, the church of Saint Corban, formerly stood. It gave name to the townland of Kilcorban, in which, the burying ground, is situated. St. Corban and his Church are noticed on the page annexed.
[Hand of Patrick O'Keeffe:]
Parish of Teena, Barony of Leitrim;
XXIV. March. {AA.SS. p. 730, col: a}
XIII. The holy Priest Corban (13) came to B. Mocteus, on the sacred night of the nativity of the Lord, and found the brethren rejoiced at his coming. But when they were celebrating the nocturnal praises, a certain boy with a clear voice was in one choir, but in the other in which Macteus was, there was no boy. Wherefore, he says to Corban: whether has your boy a clear voice, like that {boy}? He does not, says he {Corban}, even read the alphabet. However, he {Col: b) {Mocteus} says, let him come hither. Who, when he came, signing his mouth, said to him: sing the psalms with a clear voice, like that boy. Without delay; immediately he began to sing so clearly that his voice filled the entire Church; he is Bishop Imbhar (14).
{p. 732, col: a) 13. S. Praesbyter Corbanus C. (13). Thus beyond doubt is [he], whom the Four Masters in the Annals call Cerban; and of whose death they write thus: In the year 499 S. Cerban Bishop of Fert-Cerbain near Tara died. Of whom also S. Aengus, {and} the Martyrology of Tallaght seem to treat at the 20th of July, where they call him Curhinus. There exists a Church in the County of Galway dedicated to him, and from his name called Kill-Corbain.
(14). Ipse est Ibarus Episcopus, C. 13. This does not seem to be the S. Hibarus Bishop, the son of Lugneus, who preached the faith in Ireland before the arrival of Patrick, as appears from the lives of S. Ailbeus & S. Declan, and from other things to be said concerning him at the 23rd of April. Perhaps he is {the saint} of whom Camerarius treats at the 22nd March. {obs: Mochta, according to the Four Masters, died in 534.}
An old Castle stands in ruins in Ballindrimna - Baile na Druimne - townland in this parish.
This parish situated in the baronies of Leitrim and Longford, is distant 6 miles to the north of Woodford, and about 12 miles to the N. West of Portumna. The Irish name of it, is Dún Doighre. The doon which originally bore the name is shown close to the village of Dooniry, on Knockadoon - Cnoc a Dúin - immediately to the left of the road leading to Portumna. It is now partly destroyed, but is said to have been artificial.
It is said that there was formerly a College at Dooniry village, at which there is still remaining
in ruins, an old Church which is on the inside, 75 feet long, and 25 feet broad. On the South side wall is a door of ornamentedly Chiseled stones, which is 4 feet 10 inches high, and 3 feet 10 inches broad at the ground; the wall over it was pulled down.
Opposite this, on the other side wall, is a pointed door of mason work, 6 feet 6 inches high and 4 feet broad.
On this North side wall near (at) the west gable, is a breach extending to near the ground; the west gable is reduced to the same height with the side walls, and has a breach on its middle.
There is on the East gable a window, whose form is Concealed in a heavy Coat of ivy (with) which the gable is covered. A considerably large breach is observable under it.
Toberbreeda - Tobar Brighde - holy well, lies in the townland of Lackabaun - Leaca Bán - near the East side of Dooniry village,
Garryvreeda - Garaidh Bhrighde - lies to the South side of this well and is a field that goes by this name which signifies, 'Brigid's Garden'.
At this place is to be seen a tree notable among the people for its age.
Bran's Holy well is close to a grave yard in Lime hill townland. And in the townland of Lisheen {Lisín} North, are situated the ruins of Templebanaha - Teampall Beannaighthe, which signifies the blessed Church. I have not seen these ruins. I cannot say for certain of what extent they may be; they are said to lie within a grave yard.
The site of a Castle is visible on Knockacashlaun {Cnoc a Chaisleáin} in the South end of the townland of Cloonacastle - Cluain a Chaisleáin, about 3/4 of a mile to the South of Dooniry village.
It was found by an Inquisition taken before John Crofton Esqre. at Athenry 1st October 1584 that Rickard {2nd} Earl {of Clanrickard} (died) 24th July 1582, seized in fee and fee taile of the several lands viz: the manors and Castles of Loughreagh, Dunkellin, Leitrim, Clare, Clonecastle otherwise Clonnacashlan &c.
See Inquisition taken at Galway 20th March 1608, so often referred to.
These are all I found worthy of notice in the two parishes just described.
T. O'Conor.