Other Forms of the Name with authority source (if provided) in italics:
Rin Daibhchín
Rinnadiffen By. Surveyors Sketch Map
Rindifen Engraved County Map
Rindifen Lord Gort's Agent, Mr. Slator
Rindiffane Mr. J. Bell, Barony Constable
Rindiffane Rev. Michael O'Shaughnessy, P.P.
Proprietor, Lord Gort, Loughcooter Castle. Post Town Gort. Part of this townland is held by Mr. Bl[Unable to read.], of Rinnadiffan, a middleman, under a lease of lives and the [Unable to read.] [Unable to read.] [Unable to read.] acre. County Cess 4s. per acre, and tithe 1/6 per acre. Soil sandy. Usual crops wheat, oats and potatoes.Beagh river flows through this townland and sinks in the ground a short distance to the East of a deep circular pool of water called the Punch Bowl [Unable to read.] the surface of the [Unable to read.] to the water in this Punch Bowl are 861/2 feet, depth of water in the Punch Bowl, 22 feet, circumference at top 572 feet, there is a parapel[Unable to read.] on the brink of this piecepine[Unable to read.] and another about 40 links from it, forming a walk round it the inside of this bowl is covered with trees of different kinds and underwood - it is asserted that the water of the river Beagh which sinks a short distance eastward from this bowl is the same water which passes through the Punch Bowl, Ladle and Churn. Two other deep pools to the North West of the Punch Bowl. Sergt. Knowles measured and [Unable to read.] the above Bowl.Two forts in this townland.Authority Michael Howly, townland Rinnadiffen.
In the North of the parish of Beagh, Barony of Kiltartan. East of a road leading from Lough Cooter Castle to Gort, and about a statute mile South of the town of Gort.