Translation according to P. W. Joyce:
Maumeen in Galway and Mayo ; Maidhmin, little pass : see Maum [reproduced below].
Maum, Irish madhm, an eruption, a chasm, a high pass: vol. i. p. 176 [reproduced below].
I will digress here for a moment to remark that the word madhm [maum or moym] is used in the western counties from Mayo to Kerry, and especially in Connemara, to denote an elevated mountain pass or chasm; in which application the primary sense of breaking or bursting asunder is maintained. This is the origin of the several places called Maum in these counties, some of which are well known to tourists - such as Maum Hotel; Maumturk, the pass of the boars; Maumakeogh, the pass of the mist, etc. In Mayo we find Maumnaman, the pass of the women; in Kerry Maumnahaltora of the altar; and in Fermanagh Mullanvaum, the summit of the elevated pass.