Some Galway Advertisements

By Samuel J. Maguire

Earl's Island Bleach Green

The last Course of Linens for this season, from Earl's Island Bleach Green being now finished, the several Owners are requested to send for their Pieces to Mrs. Burke's Office, Shop-street, where they are ready to be delivered.

N.B. At Mrs. Burke's Office, the Army can be supplied with choice of home made linen; she has also for sale a Parcel of choice Flax.

Galway, November 24th, 1791.

London Porter

To be sold by Michael French, at his Stores in Back-Street, Galway, a choice Parcel of the very best London Porter, in Hogsheads, which he will Sell on the most reasonable Terms for Ready Money; if not sold by the 9th Day of December, will be on that Day Sold by Auction - Bills at Three Months on Dublin will be taken as cash

November 28, 1791.