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[Hand of J. O'Donovan:]
Iar Connacht territory, some novel notions about.
O'Flaherty East of Loch Orbsen.
Parishes of Killeely and Killeenavarra.
Gaillimh, ancient and modern fables about the derivation of.
Dinnseanchus quoted.
Dear Sir,
Having now examined that part of the County of Galway, which was O'Flaherty's Country before the arrival of the Burkes and other families, I shall now go on to prove that all our historians and topographers, not excepting even the learned Roderick himself, were in error respecting its situation and extent. I shall first quote Roderick O'Flaherty's own words describing the principality of his ancestors.
The territory of West Connaught the ancient Seignory of the O'Flaherties, was extended of old beyond Lough Orbsen and the river and town of Galway to the Barronies of Kilmain Clare and Dunkellan. Its Cathedral {as every Irish Seignory had its own, whose Diocess runned with the Seignory's bounds} was Ennaghdun, dedicated to St. Brendan {the 16th May Anno Christi 577 then deceased} in the barony of Clare, on the banks of Lough Orbsen, which besides the Cathedral had an abbey of Chanon
regulars, and a nunnery.
But since the year of Christ 1238 wherein the baronies of Clare, Kilmain and Kera were planted with Castles by the English, the same {West Connaught} is confined to the limits of Moycullen and Ballynahinchy baronies, and of the half Baronies of Ross and Arran; and, in the life time of Malachie Mac Aodha of West Connaught extraction, archbishop of Tuam, after a long debate for many years before, and in his time, the Cathedral of Enagh-Dun was Anno 1321, united to the see of Tuam by the final decision of Pope John the 22nd.
Now, though I grant that O'Flaherty may have been in his turn, Lord of all Iar Connaught previously to the arrival of the Burkes, I most positively deny that we have any authority to shew, that, previously to this period a single sod of O'Flaherty's Country lay to the west of Loch Oirbsen, and I assert
that we have several authorities to shew that all his country (which is a rich plain) was situate east of that lake before the English drove him across it into the mountains, after which he became more powerful than ever he had previously been. I have shewn when writing about Kildare that O'Toole was located in the rich plain of Moy Alvé before the English drove him into the mountains of Wicklow, and I now venture to assert that the (case) was precisely similar with O'Flaherty, who was located in the rich plain of Moy-Seola before the Burkes drove him across Loch Orbsen into O'Cadhla's and Mac Conroi's Countries.
This can be made appear from several facts well known and established: O'Flaherty was after the arrival of the Burkes located in Conmaicne mara and in Gno mor and Gno (beg), but he was not of the race of the Conmaicne, nor does he descend from the Dalcassian Gno-beg or More; but he was of the race of the Hy-Briuin, and of them only was he king until he was driven out of his natale solum by the Burkes. This will also appear from O'Dugan's topographical poem, which was written before the year 1372 by the Bard of O'Flaherty's next door neighbour, Hy-Many -
For Conmaicne chúile at clos Over Conmaicne Cuile(a) it is heard O'Talcharáin do thráchtos Rules O'Tolkaran of whom I've treated. Ar Conmaicne mara móir O'er the great Conmaicne mara(b) (i.e., Connamara) O'Cadhla, cara an chomhoil, Rules of O'Cadhla (now Kyle) the friend of drinking Conmaicne dúine móir mir Of the swift Conmaicne of Dun mor(c) As tair atáid a taoisigh Feeble are now the chieftains Mineing na gcliar tar gach roinn Supporters of the clergy beyond any tract (i.e. better supporters &c than) O' sídhlín soir (siar) go Sionainn O'Shilleen {once] ruled them east to the Shannon
Meg Conroi ridh do ghabhar The Mac Conrois, who are found tranquil Ar ghnó móir na míonchaladh Over Gno mor(d) of smooth harbours O'Hadhnaidh ar gno mbeag m-buan O'Heyny over the lasting Gno-beg(e) Nead nach Daidhbhir 'r nach diombuan A nest not poor nor perishable. Siol Mac Aodha do'n taobh thoir The race of the son of Aodh on the eastern side Ar cloinn chlár-Fhairsing Chosgraigh Rule the Clann-Cosgry of the extensive plain Sluagh maordha d'an mian meádha A majestic host who love metheglin (whiskey, hodie) Aobhdha fial a bhfineadha Grand and hospitable their tribes Clann Mhurchadha an mhúir searcaigh The Clann-Murchadha of the lovely Múr (bulwark wall) Ag muintir lainn (loinn) Fhlaithbheartaigh Are ruled by the fierce O'Flaherties Teicheadh re na ngleo dleaghar Whose battle 'twere better to avoid Leó feithemh na bh-fionnchaladh 'Tis theirs to wait on the fair harbors.
Hence it appears as clear as possible from the topographical poem of O'Dugan that no part of O'Flaherty's Country then lay west of Lough Orbsen or of the River Gailleamh, for Gno-more and Gno-beg whch. form the barony of Moycullen, were possessed by O'Heyny {not O'Heyn} and Mac Conroi, and Conmaicne mara now certainly the Barony of Ballynahinch was possessed by O'Coyla. What tract then lying west of Loch Orbsen remained for O'Flaherty but the half barony of Ross, now generally called Joyce's Country? But this, according to Roderic O'Flaherty himself was a part of Partry of the mountain of which the O'Flaherties never had a sod until they were driven across the lake by the Burkes. See the families of Partry as given by
Duald Mac Firbis. But Shane O'Dugan most distinctly points out the ancient locality of the O'Flaherties, when, after having enumerated all the families west of the lake, he writes:
The race of the son of Aodh* on the eastern side
Rule the Clann-Cosgry of the extensive plain.
This is as clear as day light, and still Charles O'Conor in his Ortelius Improved calls the Country extending from Lettermellan to Galway by the name of Munter-Morogh, which is decidedly wrong, for, although the O'Flahertys who went by the tribe name of Munter-Morogh in ancient times were driven into the Barony of Moycullen, still the name Munter Morogh was not transferred from the land along with them, and we learn from Roderic O'Flaherty himself that (no part of) the barony of Moycullen was ever called Munter Morogh. See notes (d) and (e).
But it appears from various genuine authorities that the ancient country of the O'Flahertys retained the name of Munter Morogh for centuries after the Munter Murchadha were driven out. It appears in the first place from Roderic O'Flaherty himself who, in
his Ogygia (part III, c. 17) places Lough Hackett in Munter Moroghow; and secondly from an Inquisition taken at Galway on the 20th of March 1608 in which it is stated that the Earl of Clanrickard had a chief rent of 20 marks per annum out of the terrytory or cantred called Moyntermoroghow, and that the abbey of Rosserille {Ros Oirbheallaigh now the extensive abbey of Ross in the Barony of Clare} was situated in Moyntermoroghow. But the ancient situation of the O'Flahertys and their adherent tribes is placed beyond any dispute by the following tract on O'Flaherty's' Country preserved in the MS. library of Trinity College Dublin H. 2. 17. page 188. which I here translate.
Territories of the hereditary tribes of Munter-Murchudha, Clann-Feargal, Maaree, Hy-Briuin-Eóla (Sheóla), Hy-Briuin-Ratha and Munter-Fahy;(a) of their chiefs, their ard-mac-óglachs and 011avs. viz.
1. O'Halloran is the chief of the 24 ballys of Clann-Fergaile, and of this Clann are the O'Antulys ({"Brooees of Clanfergaile." McFirbis}), the O'Fergus's of Roscam.(b)
2. Mac Kingawin and Mac Aharney (or Catharnagh, McFirbis) are the two chiefs of Medrigia(c) {Mááréé} and men of their own tribe are under them. {i.e. as Brooees and farmers}
3. O'Dathlaoich {O'Dahly} is the chief of the 14 ballys of Hy-Briuin Rátha. Of this tribe are the O'Kennedys, O'Duns, O'Hinnoges (or Fiondóc, McF) of Cnoc Tuagha,(d) O'Laigin (O'Laidhghen, Mc Firb) of Leacach(e) and the O'Calannans Coarbs of Cill Chathail.(f)
4. O'Canavan is the medical ollave of O'Flaherty(g) in Tuath na Tobrined.
5. Some say that the O'Lees are the chiefs of the Hy-Briuin Dia with their branches, viz the O'Fechins, O'Balvans, O'Duffs, O'Madudans, Mac Gilligannans of Moyleaslaind, the Taoisigh-Scuir of O'Flaherty, the O'Colgans of Ballycolgan,(h) O'Flaherty's standard bearers, the Mac Kinnans, Coarbs of Cill Cuanna,(i) the O'Maelampuills of Domhnach-Patraig,(j) the Brehons of O'Flaherty, the O'Clercans of Rath-Buidhbh(k) with their bally, the O'Laebucain, the O'Maoilins, herenachs of Kill-Kilbili(l)
the O'Dubhans of Cluain ai,(m) the O'Meallys of Cill na manach(n) (and of Cill na gCaelán), the attendants on O'Flaherty to his public house {i.e. house of public assembly}. The following are the (hereditary) chiefs of Bogogi with their branches, viz (the) O'Doirigeans, (the) O'Caseys of Beitheach(o) with their correlatives O'Haingli of Derryhangli(p) with his bally. Mac Beolain of Kill-leabbair,(q) the herenach of the Clog dubh of St. Patrick, with his bally; the O'Doigreins and O'Dubhans herenachs of Kill-Ursa(r) with their bally. Fursa cursed the O'Dooauns {now Divines}
The Mac Kilkellys ollaves of O'Flaherty in history and poetry with their three ballys held in right of their profession viz Ceann droma,(s) Atha Cind(t) and Cathair na hailighi(u) in Kinel Buithin.
O'Donnell of Ardrath(v) is O'Flaherty's chief of the banquet, and has families of his own tribe under viz O'Daigean of Ardfintainn,(w) his [O'Donnell's} Reachtaire, and O'Cicharain of Lis Cicharain, (x) and O'Conlachtna of Baile ui Chonlachtna,(y) O'Flaherty's apiary, [with his two ballys} viz Eochaill (Oghill) and Baile Ui Chon-lachtna; and O'Codil of Baile Ui Chodil, O'Maelmuin him,
of Baile Ui Mhaelmuini. Their country lies between Ath-mac Cind and the lake {i.e. between Headford and Loch Orbsen}. The herenach of Rath Indile i.e. from Leath Cargais has O'Flaherty's tythes. O'Muirgile of Muine an radain is O'Flaherty's chief Law-giver. O'Maelbinne from the Termon enjoys Baile Colu.(z) O'Duach and O'Dagda have (possess) the Drums.
The O'Fadhartaighs(aa) are the chiefs of the 14 ballys of Munter-Fahy, who have their sub-tribes and correlatives under them.
The foregoing document is sufficient to shew that O'Flaherty's Country lay altogether east of Loch-Orbsen.
We have another clue of (for) finding out how far O'Flaherty's country extends to the south and east. It appears from the whole stream of Irish history that O'Flaherty's Country was bounded on the East by the territory of Hy-Many and on the south by Hy-Fiachrach Aidhne. The territory of Hy-Many extended westwards as far as the ford of Athenry and the hill of Knock Máá Siuil, and the country of O'Flaherty met it at these two points. Again we know that the Diocese of Annaghdown included all Iar-Connaught, and that this diocese was united to that of Tuam†. As far therefore as the diocese of Tuam extends to the south, so far did the Country of O'Flaherty and his adherents extend beyond any contradiction, doubt or question. Hence we conclude that O'Flaherty's Country extended (southwards) to the River at Clarin Bridge, and eastwards
as far as the ford of Athenry on the same river, where it met Hy-Many.
This being established it will be at once seen that the territory of Clann-Feargaile (which included Galway, Clare and Ros-cam), extended eastwards from the River Galway so as to include the parishes of St. Nicholas, Oranmore and that part of the parish of Clare lying south of the river, and also as far as the ford of Athenry. This (tract) will be found exactly to correspond with 24 ballys or ancient Irish townlands of which 30 formed a triocha chéad (or Barony). Some (old men) say that Clann Feargaile - O'Halloran's Country - extended westwards across the river of Galway even as far as the townland of Spiddel‡ (and that the O'Hallorans were till lately the proprietors of Taylor's hill), but this is not likely nor does it agree with (the statement of) Roderic O'Flaherty, who places the parish of Rahun and all west of the river in the territory of Gno-beg, or Gno-mor.
The territory of Hy-Briuin-Ratha containing 14 ballys and (among which are specified) the townlands of Knock-Tua,
Leacach and Kilcahill, includes in all probability the parish of Lackagh and a (small) part of the east of the parishes of Annadown and Clare. All (that part of) the barony of Clare lying north and N.W. of Clann Feargaile and Hy-Briuin Ratha belongs to the Hy-Briuin Seola and the Munter-Fahy.
The Abbé Mageoghegan makes Hy-Briuin Ratha coextensive and identical with the Barony of Athenry, but in this he cannot be correct, because there were only 14 ballys in this territory, among which are particularly mentioned Kilcahill in the parish of Annadown, Lackagh in the parish of Lackagh and Knockdoe in the parish of Clare. Now let any one lay down on a map of the County of Galway a district of 14 ballys [In right-hand margin: Féch] so as to include Kilcahill, Lackagh and Knocdoe, and he will find that it will (can) not possibly extend into any part of the Barony
of Athenry, much less include the entire of (it) as the Abbé ignorantly makes it. Hy-Many extended westwards as far as the ford of Athenry, which throws the Hy-Briuin Ratha into the barony of Clare.

That the Country of Aidhne extended as far northwards as far as the peninsula of Mááréé and included the parish of Stradbally, will be seen from what has been already said, but it will appear more evidently from the ancient account of the battle of Moy Mucroimhe quoted by O'Flaherty in his Ogygia, where it is stated that the brook {recte little River} of Turlach Airt situate between Moyvaela (Mhaela) ({Castle}) and Kilcornan is in Aidhnia. These
two townlands are in the parish of Stradbally, and, what is extremely curious, they are not included in the Diocese of Tuam, but in that of Kilmacduagh, which I will hereafter prove to be coextensive with the ancient territory of Aidhne.
This parish adjoining Kilcolgan on the north east, is called by the native Irish Cill Ile which signifies the church of Ile, but I could find nothing to prove or disprove whether or not Ile (the true name is Cill Fhaoile. See further on) was the name of the patron saint or a saint at all. I visited the old church which is in good preservation and well worthy the study of the antiquary as being of a hybrid character. It was evidently modernized in the 14th or 15th century as the experienced eye of an examiner of old skulls and churchyards would at once discern. It is in
the pointed style, which Sir Christopher Wren styled the Gothic, by which that great man meant the barbaric. It is {measured inside} 63 feet long and 21 feet broad. The south sideway contains a doorway in the pointed style and one lancet pointed window. The north side wall also contains a lancet pointed window close to the north east corner, under which and extending westwards of which, masonry of the primitive Irish character is to be seen. This piece of the old original wall of Kill-Ile (which is 27 feet long and 10 high) was left undisturbed at the period of the re-erection and is strikingly different from the more modern part of the wall, being formed of huge stones laid exactly like those in the old church of Kiltiernan, which I have described in a former letter. The south side wall has been almost all remodelled as will appear by a comparison
with the north one. The west gable contains one small lancet window, and the east gable two lancet windows in the pointed style of considerable height and beauty.
Is this church of Kill Ile mentioned in any of our Ecclesiastical documents, or is Ile set down inter divos?
One small tombstone with a cross cut on it exhibits the letters G. C.
In this parish are the ruins of three castles which belonged to the Earl of Clanrickard: one in Levallyconor, the second in Toberbracken and the third in Dunkellin. This last is the castle after which the Baron and Barony of Dunkellin were named. Near this castle there is a church in ruins which is probably coeval with the castle. Not far distant, close to the river south of Castlegar townland is shewn a hill with a rude stone chair called the Marquis of Clanrickard's chair
from which, the peasantry assert, the Earl of Clanrickard takes his title. It is probable that the Barons of Dunkellin were inaugurated on this hill whenever they rejected the authority of the kings of England and "kicked and spurned at" the English laws. Or, if not, perhaps as it is in the country of Aidhne it may be an inauguration chair of the chiefs of the Hy-Fiachrach Aidhne?
This parish lying to the south of Kilcolgan, and being the most southwestern in the barony of Dunkellan, is called in Irish Cillín a' Bheara, a name which puzzles me very much. It seems to be someway connected with the name Rinn Bheara or Ceann Bheara, but still I cannot understand how. Is there a saint of the name
Beara, Dabheara, Bior or Dabhior mentioned in any of the lists of the old Irish saints. The old church of Killeenavarra consists of two old churches in the rude Gothic style placed in this form.

Both are about 51 feet long and 18 broad. Church a is decidedly a modern addition but Church b, though modernized and remodelled seems to contain a good deal of the work of a more primitive church (or one). This will appear from a door-way (c) which resembles that of Kiltiernan but it (which) is so injured by time that it is not easy to form an idea of its original characteristics.
I find nothing else in this parish to attract the notice of the antiquarian or
(historian) but the castle of Cloghballymore, wch is said to have belonged to (Mac Gillakelly who held it under) the Earl of Clanrickard. See Inquisition taken at Galway on the 20th of March 1608, in which all the castles belonging to the Earl of Clanrickard are enumerated.
Is there no visitation book extant for the Dioceses of Tuam, Clonfert and Kilmacduagh similar to those sent us to the County of Kildare? If so ought they not be copied and sent us, as they may throw very curious light upon ancient history and topography?
I have asked several questions latterly which have not been answered, and among others whether the abbey of Belclare or Beal-an-chlair in the barony of Gallen and Co. Mayo has been shewn (this was referred to Capt S.)
on the plan (where the Esker Riada strikes the Suck in Roscommon). These have not been answered; but if those things be not attended to, I give myself a deal of trouble for no reason.
It was the established belief among all the old Irish writers from Fintan to Peregrine O'Clery and the learned O'Flaherty that the town of Galway (like Boyle and Sligo) took its name from the River Gailleamh, till Vallancey proved by (the) etymological science, first that it was called from fiddledydee, and next from the Gael or merchants who built the town there before the time of Tacitus. This derivation of the name Galway from "the merchants" was left so after Vallancey {at whose oulde woman assumptions all wise and truly learned men will laugh as long as reason remains upon earth,} until Mr. Hardiman discovered that the name Clann Fergaile, the tribe name of the O'Hallorans amounts to a perfect demonstration
of it; for Mr. Hardiman has found out that Clann Fergaile (which) signifies "the tribes of the merchants" and that Clann Feargaile and Gaillimh are (is) demonstratively of the same origin and derivation with Gaillimh, which was not the name of the River but that of the town built by the Gails or merchants.
He rejects the fable about the river having received its name from Gailleamh, the daughter of Breasal, which is not to be wondered at, because we of this century will not belief [sic] those old stories of our ancestors whether they are true or false; and our more sapient successors (will reject) many things which we will hand down to them upon our oathes. Thus future antiquarians will reject the (historical) fable about Eyre Court, which we will hand down as derived from the family name Eyre, and the word court, the curia of the Latins, and will go on to derive
it from ier west, and cur, a circle. They will not belief [sic] that Kelly-Brook (the name of a house) was derived from Kelly a family name, and brook, rivulus because they will conclude that brook rivulus, could not be predicated of a house, and that it is therefore more likely that as there never was a family of the name Kelly (when will this be? A.D. 3684!), the true derivation must be Kelly of the wood, and Brogue a habitation {for the foot}.
As for myself I believe as firmly that Galliv was derived from the lady Galiva as that the Tyber (Tiber) was called after a great man Tiberius, who was drowned in it.
The river Galliv was first called Sean abhainn and the Tiber albula. So the ancients have handed down to us, and if we do not believe them, we must set up Etymological fables of our own in their place.
Mr. Hardiman may deny that Gaillimh derives its name from the lady Galliva {for if he does not people will laugh at him in the 19th century} but he cannot deny that Gaillimh was the name of the river, for all our Irish documents
mention Gaillimh as the name of the River, and call the castle erected there in 1124 the castle of the Gaillimh.
Mr. Hardiman has published a map which shews the spot where the Lady Galliva was drowned, which shews that tradition was then positive that Gaillimh was the name of the river, and the Dinnseanchus which Mr. Hardiman never examined gives the tradition thus:
Gailleamh inghean Bhreasail, bhuain Gailleamh daughter of constant (lasting) Breasal Rus fothraic sa, lind lánuair Bathed in the cooling stream Ann ro báidheadh in ghég gheal In which that fair branch (plant) was drowned; Uaithi ainmníghthear Gailleamh. From her is named Gailleamh.
This Irish verse is translated into Latin by O'Flaherty in his account of West Connaught in which he speaks of this river as follows:
The river of Galway whose channel is the conveyance of Lough Orbsen for four (4) miles into the sea with a loud noise slides (glides) with some meand-windings in a slow and deep
stream till it comes near the town of Galway; but as it passes the towne's side, it falls into the sea with a loud noise in a shallow vehement stream of fair chrystalline water.
The right name of the river is Galliv, from the oblique whereof Gallive is formed Galway and Galvia whereby the town is now denoted. The occasion of the name a very ancient Irish distich expresses thus translated:
Ludit aquis; mersam deluserat amnis
Bressalii prolis funere nomen habet.
Fair Bressal's daughter bathed in the waves
Of that old river (sean abhainn) which Lough Corrib pours
Into the western ocean, but (and) was drowned
And all have called the river from her name.
But the writer of the Dinnseanchus goes farther and states that her monument was in existence in his own time, which is well worthy of the antiquary's consideration,
Facus (.i. focous) d'á chéile an dá leacht Close to each other are the two leachts Meadhraidhi is Gailleamh dar leat Of Maaree & of Gaillimh, as you see And 'ata Gailleamh Chraoidhe (Chraoidhi) Beneath them rests the lovely Galliv taebh ar taebh is meadraighi side by side with Maaree.
We should however be very cautious in receiving any thing as true from fabulosa antiquitas until we shall be able to prove that the monuments mentioned are in existence. These monuments may have existence at the time that the poem in the Dinnseanchus was composed, but I could hear nothing about them at present in the neighbourhood of the town of Galway. Such fables are curious and often founded on true history, but the fables got up
on ignorant etymological speculations, such as those offerred [sic] by Vallancey, and adopted by Hardiman in his boyish days, are disgraceful to the human intellect, and must be rejected by all sound enquirers into the history of language.
Does McFirbis give a list of the families who sprang from Gno mor and Gno beg, or of the families into which the Conmaicne mara spread in later times? Is there any history of the chiefs of the Conmaicne mara before the O'Flahertys put them down? Was O'Cadhla of the race of the Conmaicne mara or of the Hy-Briuin?
Please to direct all to Loughrea where we are now.
John O'Donovan
(a) [Referred to on Ms p. 350] Conmaicne Cuile. I have already proved that this comprized that part of the Barony of Kilmaine lying south of the River Robe
(b) [Referred to on Ms p. 350] Now corruptly Con-namara exactly co-extensive with the barony of Ballynahinch. The O'Cadhlas are still numerous in the half Barony of Ross.
(c) [Referred to on Ms p. 350] Conmaicne Dunmore east (west) to the Shannon. This is the barony of Dunmore, but the expression east (or west) to the Shannon is a gross mistake for east to the Suck. The Hostys and the Berminghams has put down the O'Shilleens in o'Dugan's time as is evident from the words Ar táir ataid a dtaoisgh.
(d) [Referred to on Ms p. 351] Gno mor. "The Barony of Moycullen commonly known in Irish by the names of Gnomore, on the north, Gno-beg on the south. &rc Lough Lonan lies between Gno-more and Gno-beg, and there is no recours of water from it but under ground."
"Gno-mor contains the parishes of Killanhin and Kilcummin." O'Flaherty's account of West Connaught.
(e) [Referred to on Ms p. 351] "Gno-beg contains the parishes of Moycullen and Rahun". O'Flaherty's account of Iar Connaught.
(a) Mac Firbis heads this "Hereditary tribes of Munter Moroghoo with their lands". He is probably right as the Munter Moroghoo or O'Flaherty's were chiefs of (over) all the others.
(b) Now Roscam in the parish of Oranmore, where there is a round-tower, and the ruins of an old church.
(c) Medrigia, now Mááréé, a peninsula about 5 miles to the south of Galway. It is exactly coextensive with the parish of Ballynacourty.
(d) Cnoc-tuagha, now Knockdoe exactly 8 miles N. & by E. of the town of Galway in the parish of Clare-Galway.
(e) Leacach, now Lackagh, an old church about 3 miles N.E. of Clare-Galway.
(f) Cill Chathail (or as Mac Firb. has it, Cill Cathghaile) now Kilcahill, an old church in the parish of Annadown 9 miles north of Galway. See my letter on it, now made Cullinan, very numerous here in Galway.
(g) O'Flaherty in his Ogygia says that the O'Canavans were medical professors in his family.
(h) Now Ballycolgan, a townland in the parish of Kilkilvery.
(i) Cill Cuanna, now Kilcooney, a parish in the Bar: of Clare.
(j) Domhnach Patraic, now Donaghpatrick in the Bar: of Clare. The Tripartite life of St. Patrick places this church in the plain of Magh Seola, the country of the Hy-Briuin Seóla. Curious!
(k) Rath Buidhbh, now in all probability Rath-fwee in the parish of Kilcooney. Rath-Branduibh in Tirawley is anglicised Rafran.
(l) Kill-Kilbile, now beyond any doubt the parish of Kilkilvery (-vely) containing the town of Headford. Ecce r pro l.
(m) Cluain ai, now Cloonee in the parish of Killeeny.
(n) Cill na manach, now Kilnamanagh in Donaghpatrick.
(o) Beitheach, now Behagh-beg and more in Donaghpatrick.
(p) Now Derryanley?
(q) Cill leabhair, now Killower at the foot of Knock-mááh in the barony of Clare. If the Mac Beolans were the hereditary keepers of the Clog dubh how came it into the hands of the Geraghtys?
(r) Cill-Ursa, now Killursa, an old church giving name to a parish lying (S.) west of Headford in the Barony of Clare. See my letter on this church.
(s) Ceann droma. I certainly met this but I cannot find it in the Index.
(t) Ath Cinn: so Headfort town is always called in Irish.
(u) Cathair na hailighi, now corruptly Cahermacnally, a townland containing a cyclopean fort in the parish of Killursa
(v) Ard rath? certainly exists.
(w) Ard Fintainn now Ardfintan, a townland in Killursa containing a Cyclopean fort.
(x) This seems to be Baile Ui Chiochraighe in the parish of Cummer - Bally for Lis is a constant change.
(y) Now Ballyconlaughta in the parish of Cargins.
(z) Baile Colu. There is a townland exactly of this name in the parish of Kilcolgan but still it cannot be identified with it as all the parish of Kilcolgan is in the Diocese of Kilmacduagh, which I shall prove to be coextensive with the ancient territory of Aidhne, the native country of Colman Mac Duach, the founder of the Diocese.
(aa) Mac Firbis has it thus: O'Faghartaigh is king of Dealbhna Cuile Fabhair, Munter-Fahy and Feadha Luaraigh.
*See pedigree of the O'Flaherties "The race of Aodh of Annadown are of the race of Kellach, son of Uadach. It was Aodh the son of Eochy Tirmcharna the son of Fergus who granted Annadown to God and St. Brendan." D. Mac Firbis p. 204.
†The logic of it runs thus: the Diocese of Annadown contained all O'Flaherty's Country & all the diocese of Annadown is now included in the Diocese of Tuam. Ergo all O'Flaherty's Country is included in the diocese of Tuam.
‡We have every reason and strong authority to assume that the river Gaillimh was the boundary between Gno-beg and Clann-Feargaile.