People who lived in Cargin townland up to 1911

Databases to include

Family NameFirst NameAgeTownlandYearPublisherSource
Casey Mary 89Cargin1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Connell Hugh  Cargin1855Ask About Ireland Griffith's Valuation
D'Arcy Agnes M 14Cargin1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
D'Arcy Aloysius RB 13Cargin1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
D'Arcy Francis J 10Cargin1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
D'Arcy Irene 9Cargin1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
D'Arcy Mary 42Cargin1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
D'Arcy Nicholas J 55Cargin1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
D'Arcy Patrick J 12Cargin1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Glynn Brigid 21Cargin1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland