People who lived in Trean townland up to 1911

Databases to include

Family NameFirst NameAgeTownlandYearPublisherSource
Clogherty Thomas  Trean1855Ask About Ireland Griffith's Valuation
Cosgrove Mary 78Trean1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Cosgrove Stephen 83Trean1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Fitzgerald Martin 24Trean1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Grodin Mary  Trean1855Ask About Ireland Griffith's Valuation
Hetch Barbara 42Trean1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Hetch Catherin 70Trean1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Hetch Festus 27Trean1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Hetch Honoria 75Trean1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Hetch John 29Trean1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland