People who lived in Finnaun townland up to 1911

Databases to include

Family NameFirst NameAgeTownlandYearPublisherSource
Directors of the law life assurance co.  Finnaun1855Ask About Ireland Griffith's Valuation
Walsh David 55Finnaun1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland
Walsh John 25Finnaun1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland
Walsh John 29Finnaun1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Walsh Maria 17Finnaun1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland
Walsh Mary 21Finnaun1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland
Walsh Peter 19Finnaun1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland
Walsh Peter 22Finnaun1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Walsh Sarah 46Finnaun1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland
Walsh Sarah 70Finnaun1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland