Other Forms of the Name with authority source (if provided) in italics:
Gall Bhaile
Galboola B.S.
Galvally Inq. Temp. Eliz.
Galbolly Inq. Temp. Jac. I
Galboola Rev. Joseph Seymour
Representative of Hyacinth Daly, Esq., (Andrew Blake, Esq.,) John Blake, Esq., Agent. This townland contains 105 acres, 50 of which are cultivated, 11 uncultivated, 44 of bog. The lease is 3 lives. Is let at the yearly rent of £1. 3s. per acre for the arable part, and 15s. per do. for the uncultivated. County Cess 2s. 4d. per acre for each of 20. The rock is limestone, the soil light, producing potatoes, corn and flax. No mineral. No antiquity.
Situated on the S. boundary of the parish, and at S.W. corner of sd. Parish. It is bounded N. by Carrowreagh E., and S. by the parish of Kiltulla, W. by Knockcarrowdally. In Athenry Barony.
Information from the Ordnance Survey Letters:
The Ordnance Survey Letters are letters between John O'Donovan and his supervisor, Thomas Larcom, regarding the work of compiling the Field Books. These letters provide further discussion on many of the places listed in the Field Books.
References to this place can be found in the following letter.