Other Forms of the Name with authority source (if provided) in italics:
Cluain Cath
Clún Cath
Cloonca B. S.
Clonkee Inq. Temp. Car. I
Cloonekeigh Inq. Temp. Jac. I
Clooneka Inq. Temp. Jac. I
Cloonca Rev. Joseph Seymour
Thomas Daly, Esq., Proprietor. This townland contains 757 acres, 377 of which are cultivated, 300 bog, 71 wood and 9 water. The above receives his own rents, lease 21 years, is let at the yearly rent of 15 per acre, Co. Cess 2s. 10d. yearly per acre. Tythe composition 1s. per acre. The rock is limestone. The soil is light, but of a good quality. The produce, potatoes, corn, and flax. No mineral. In this townland is the residence of Peter Daly, the house is 5 stories high. The grain of this country is sold in Galway and Loughrea. Corn is at present (June 20) 10d. per stone. There are lakes, 3 of them called Pauls, the 4th Derrydhu Lough.
Situated on the N. boundary of the parish and near the N.E. corner of same. It is bounded N. by the parish of Cloonkeen, E. by Calterbreedy, Daughloon, and Streamsford, S. by Cappananule, W. by Leanareagh, and Cappanasroohaun. In Kilconnel Barony.