Table of Contents
Quick Links
Agriculture | Crime and Criminality | Easter Rising | The Emergency | Famous Buildings | Famous Events or Incidents | Famous People | Famous Trials | Famous Visitors to Galway | Flora and Fauna | Galway in the Middle Ages | Galway Society in the Past | Galway's Economy in the Past | Georgian Galway | Government of Galway | Irish Civil War | Irish Famine | Military Matters | Miscellaneous | Political Resistance and the Land War | Politics | Railways | Sport and Leisure | Towns of Galway | Tuam | War of Independence |Part V
Famous Buildings
- Cathedral to Replace Prison
- The County Infirmary
- New Corrib Cinema to Cost £18,000
- New Fire Station Opened in Galway
- St Nicholas' Pro–Cathedral
- A Catholic Chapel for Renmore Barracks
- Catholic Chapels
- The Galway Marble Works
- A Galway Royal Pavilion
- Galway's Jail May be Cathedral Finance Committee are Told
- Loughcutra Castle
- The New Constabulary Barrack
- The Railway Hotel
- Religious Edifices of Galway
Part VI
Famous Events or Incidents
- Anglers Plan Anach Chuain
- Investigations As City Re–Builds After £2M. Inferno
- Most Afflicting Accident
- Survivor of Cleggan '27 disaster dies at 92
- Accident at Nuns' Island Distillery
- The Dunkellin Monument — Pulled Down and Drowned Amidst Plaudits of Thousands
- Memorial Will Recall Anach Cuain Tragedy
- Out Of The Ashes
- A Priest in a Railroad Wreck
- River Disaster 150 Years Ago — Anach Cuain Wreck Found by Divers?
Part VII
Famous People
- Colonel Stafford Eyre
- The First President
- A Galway Engineer in Assam: Professor W. H. Prendergast
- The East Calling
- East Bengal to Assam
- Snakes
- Assam — Land of Hills and Hollows
- Elephants
- Capturing Elephants
- Nights in the Jungle
- The Tigers
- The Earth Trembles
- The Monsoon
- Home Again
- How Tea Gardens Originated
- The Manufacture of Tea
- Human Sacrifice
- Retreat from Burma
- Manipur State
- Assam a Battleground
- The Pipe Line
- Peace at Last
- The Province Divided
- Galway Grave for Lord Haw Haw
- Gleanings
- Gleanings [Article is about Raftery, the poet]
- Honourable and Venerable Charles Le Poer Trench, Archdeacon of Ardagh
- The Man Who Wrote "The Ould Plaid Shawl"
- Memorial to Irish Statesman
- Mr. Davitt's Death
- Mr. Parnell at the Galway National Convention
- Profile of Edmund O'Flaherty M.P.
- Profile of William Keogh M.P.
- Robert O'Hare Burke
- Songwriter and Nationalist
- The Strange Story of Patrick O'Bryan, of Loughrea
- This Day's Mail
- William James MacNeven
- Archbishop MacHale
- Arrest of Smith O'Brien on Charges of Sedition
- Bagwell the Tax Collector
- Blake the Remembrancer
- Death of Burton R.P. Persse, Esq., J.P., D.L., Moyode Castle
- Death of Colonel Lynch Staunton
- Death of Lady Gregory
- Death of Lady Gregory — Laid to Rest in Galway
- Death of Mr. John Redmond
- Death of Sir Valentine Blake Hart., M.P.
- A Distinguished Irishman
- Effects of Lady Gregory
- Frank McGloin, Gort
- Funeral of the Late Dowager Countess of Clancarty
- A Galway Thaumaturgist: James Finaghty
- Great Edward Blake of Castlegrove
- Haw Haw Reburial Tomorrow
- John De Burgh, Archbishop of Tuam
- The Last of the Redingtons — Interesting Reminiscences
- The Lays of a Western Bard
- "Lest we forget." Memorial to Late Padraic O'Conaire
- Lord Killanin Takes up Residence at Spiddal — Jubilee Nurses Garden Scheme
- Minister's Marriage
- Obituary — The Earl of Clancarty
- P. O' Conaire's Memorial Project
- Padraig O Conaire Memorial — More Funds Needed for Galway Project
- Patrick Forde and the Irish World
- Sir Henry Grattan Bellew
- Some Facts about Griannua Uaile
- This Day's Mail. Death of O'Connell
Famous Trials
Part IX
Famous Visitors to Galway
- Cardinal Wiseman in Ballinasloe
- Daniel O'Connell in Galway
- A Disgrace & Dishonour to the Country — Mr. Hogan and Repudiation of the Land Annuities
- Engels Visits Galway
- General O'Duffy — Criticism in Loughrea — Republican a Deception
- Count John McCormack: Great Tenor Lands Five Salmon
- John Mitchell in Galway, 1847
- John Wesley Visits Galway
- Mr. Davitt in Ballinasloe
- Mr. Davitt in Loughrea
- Mr. Davitt in Loughrea — A Monster Demonstration
- President Cosgrave in the West
- William Butler Yeats
Part XI
Galway in the Middle Ages
Part XII
Galway Society in the Past
- Dominicans in Ireland — History of the Order
- Drink and Drunkness
- Education
- The Early Workhouses in Galway
- Poverty in Galway
- Relief of the Poor
- Dependence on the Potato
- Poor Law as an Incentive to Eviction
- Main Provisions of the Poor Law Act
- Gregory Clause
- Role of Landlords in the Relief of Poor
- Mortality in the Workhouses
- British Association for the Relief of Extreme Distress
- Power to Dissolve a Board of Guardians
- Workfare
- Temporary Extensions to Workhouses
- Eire is Neutral, So Library Should Not Stock any Propaganda by British
- Galway Blazers
- The Galway Coulin or the Old Coulin
- Galway's Early Association with the Theatre
- Galway Scrap Book
- Houses and Housing
- Kilrickle Centenarian Looks Back
- Marriage
- Barony of Longford
- Cholera Morbus
- Claddagh Piscatory School
- Condemnation of the Queen's Colleges
- County Galway — Longford Barony
- Galway Society in the Nineteenth Century
- Literary and Industrial Schools at the Claddagh and Taylor's Hill
- Religion
- State of the Country
- A Visit to Mounbellew Workhouse
Galway's Economy in the Past
- Changed Conditions in the Gaeltacht — Promise of New Era
- Ffrench's Bank of Tuam and Dublin
- Galway Banks and Bankers
- Loan Funds
- Usury Among the Farming Classes
- Pawnbrokers
- Coinage in the Late Eighteenth Century
- Notes in the Late Eighteenth Century
- Failure of Two Private Banks in Galway and Tuam
- Bank of Ireland in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
- Loss of Confidence in Banking
- Atlantic Company
- Note on Ffrench's Bank:
- In Land League Days
- The Romance of a Horse
- Some Galway Advertisements
- Some Galway Industries
- Where Galway Leads — Beauty in Marble — Serpentine from Streamstown and Black from Galway
- Agriculture in the Free State
- The Civic Economy of Galway
- Connemara Marble Demand
- Connemara Mines of Undeveloped Wealth
- Galway Prices Rise and Bankrupts Increase, 1791
- Galway Weights and Measures 150 Years Ago
- The Galway Woollen Mills
- Galway's New Factory — Reviving a Profitable Irish Industry
- The Growth of Industry in Galway
- Lord Ashtown's Affairs
- West of the Shannon
- The Woollen Factory
Part XVI
Irish Civil War
- Cork for the Treaty — Fifty Thousand Citizens Cheer Mr Collins' Speech — Antitreaty Meeting Eclipsed
- Deadly Attack — Two Irregular and Two Free State Soldiers Killed at Headford
- Executed — Six County Galway Men Suffered Death Penalty — Natives of Headford Confined in Galway Jail until Tuesday
- The Fight for the Four Courts
- The Headford Fight
- Irish Military Courts
- Mr Thomas Duggan Captured — A Well–known Irregular
- Six Executions in Tuam
- Unparalleled Tribute — Greatest Pageant of Sorrow — A Cortege Three Miles Long — Hundreds of Thousands Mourn
- Vindicating a Right — Great Public Meeting in Tuam — Protection of the People the Main Aim
- At the Cathedral
- Eglinton St. Barracks Burned — Also Renmore Barracks and Naval Base
- Funeral of John Higgins
- Galway Engagement Outside Galway Between Regulars and Irregulars. Two Men Killed. 12 Prisoners Taken by Rgulars.
- Galway Tribute
- General Collins' Funeral — by an eye witness
- Great Meeting in Eyre Square Today
- Important Capture in Mayo. Prisoners, Munitions, and Dispatches Taken.
- Irregulars Burning Cork — Barracks and Public Buildings in Flames — National Troops at the Gates — Reported Evacuation of the City — Heavy Fighting in Outlying Districts
- Isolated Area — Destruction of Bridges Causes Distresses — Food Scarcity
- The Observance of the Truce
- Tuam Executions Commemorated
- Tuam Executions: One who got away
Military Matters
- Aughrim: Its Genealogies, Traditions and Stories
- The Connaught Rangers — A Tale of the Crimean War — by John Augustus O'Shea
- The Connaught Rangers — A Tale of the Crimean War — by John Augustus O'Shea
- Galway and the United Irishmen
- Local Traditions of the Battle of Aughrim
- When Galway Was Burned and the Corrib Dried Up — Ancient Arms Found in its Bed — The Citizens of Galway Close Their Gates Against De Lauzun
- De St. Ruths' Address to his Army Before Aughrim
- Famous Site to Act as Major Tourism Centre
- Galway and the Militia
- The Horror of Aughrim
- The Recruiting Movement in Galway — Ladies Recruiting League Formed — President, Vicepresidents and Secretary Appointed
- Remembering Aughrim, July 21, 1691
Part XIX
- Articles from 1848
- Big Liner for Galway
- Borrowed Books
- The Cathedral and Diocesan College — Great Public Meeting — Large and Imposing Procession — Laying the First Stone — Eloquent Speeches
- Cholera in Galway
- Cholera in Galway
- Claddagh Ring Joins The Dollar Drive
- Clerical Changes
- Facelift for Graveyard of the Poets
- Galway Men Found Not Guilty
- Galway's Gold Mine — What The Irish Language Can Do For The City
- The Glory that was Galway — English Visitor's Impressions of the Old City — The Lynch Tragedy — Shipping Competition with Liverpool
- Great Galway Man — Friend of Royalty's
- Great Galway School
- Galway Guardians — The Irish Language — The Wages Question
- Condolence
- Interpretation Demanded from the Chairman
- Current Wages
- Questions of Boarding Out
- Industrial Developments Association
- Police Sergeant Shot Dead in Ballina, Thursday
- Revolver Taken
- Within 100 yards of Barracks
- Bullet Marks
- Viceroyalty not to be Abolished
- Will Sinn Fein Triumph?
- The Thief Finders — Volunteers Recovers Cash — Nearly £2,000 Restored
- Armed Men Surprise Military Guard in Clare
- Connemara Assault Case
- Galway Regatta — Splendid Day's Racing
- Riots in Belfast — Three People Killed — Catholic Workers Driven from Shipyard — Military Open fire on Crowd
- A Day of Hold—Ups
- The Suspensions
- Carson A Liar — Challenged by the Freeman — Carson Lies!
- Arrests and Threats — Constable Intervenes as Shot is about to be Fired
- Volunteer Killed — Shot While Helping Woman from the Ground
- North Atlantic Air Service — Galway's Part in Ocean Travel of the Future
- Romance of Kylemore
- The Shannon Floods
- Three Articles
- Women Prisoners
- An Appeal to Saints and Sinners Alike
- Archaeological Finds May Force the Corpo into a Spanish Arch Rethink
- Around Galway Town Library
- Articles on Fever and Cholera
- The Arrests
- Auction at Ballinasloe Workhouse
- Canon Canton — Death of Athenry's Venerable Parish Priest
- The Confederate Memorial to the Catholic Prelates
- County Galway Hospital
- Crooked Canal — Story of Mehemet Ali and Famous Engineer
- Cruac-na-Currra
- The De Clifford Estate
- Death of the Rev. M. O'Connell, P. P.
- The Dunkellin Monument Pulled Down and Drowned Amidst Plaudits of Thousands — Symbol of Landlord Tyranny — Extraordinary Occurrence
- Erection of New Docks and Quays
- Excursion to Ballinasloe
- From the Fishmarket to the Claddagh: a history of bridges
- Galway Bay
- Galway Notes
- Galway Notes
- Galway Notes
- Galway Tudor House To be Converted into Sanatorium
- Generous King — Ancestry of Hynes Family
- The Geographical Distribution of Irish Ability
- Historical Notes
- Irish Constitution Bill — In Committee — Irish People in Control
- The Irish Press
- Libraries' Salaries — Increase Granted to Assistant
- Lively Exchanges at Tuam Meeting — £13,000 Scheme Adopted — Second Scheme Referral Back to County Council
- The Martyn's of Tullyra — Notable Scions of Galway — When a King was Captured
- The Melting Pot — Fears for Safety of Sword and Mace — Public Anxiety
- Miscellaneous
- The Native Tongue
- New £18,000 Library for Ballinasloe
- New Catholic Centre — Ozanam House, Blessed by the Bishop — Work of St. Vincent De Paul Society
- The Open Forum — Deputy's Denial
- The Ould Plaid Shawl
- Poteen Charge at Derrynea — Talk of "A little Drop" and a Seidlitz Powder
- Public Health
- Remembered "The Big Wind"
- Renmore Tragedy — Evidence of State Pathologist — Another Remand
- Saints and Fairies of the Aran Islands
- Society of Antiquarians
- The Spanish Arch
- Strange Adventure of Galway Silversmith
- To Our Readers — The Authorship and Character of the Galway Advertiser
- West and United Ireland Party — Personnel of New Executive
- Whiskey for a Sick Man Poteen Found in a Bedroom
- The Workhouse
- Young Priests' Patroness came from Ballyglunin
Sport and Leisure
- All Ireland Hurling Final September 1980
- Donnellan and Dunne the Stars: All Six Forwards Scintillated — It's Galway's Cup — Superlative Football Shatters Myth of Kerry Football Final Invincibility
- Introduction
- Defence Roasted
- ShrillAMinute
- The Stars
- Reynolds Part
- Exuded Confidence
- Find of Year
- Lightning Thrusts
- Wrecked Havoc
- The Teams
- Galway in Front From Dunne's Point
- Culloty Sound
- Hit Upright
- Boxed Point
- Half Time
- Tyrrell Flashes
- Brilliant Saves
- Six Stars of a Great Win — Finish Was Relief for Kerry Folk
- Mighty Midfielders
- Rampant Forwards
- Failed to Score
- The Whys
- The Epic Football Final of 1956
- Galway Boxing and Athletic Club Will Raise One Thousand Pounds to Build Gymnasium and Recreation Hall
- Galway Hold Off Strong Tyrone Rally and Qualify For Football Final
- Galway Make it Two in a Row
- Far Superior Champions Carried Too Much Power for Kerrymen
- No Quarter
- Two Escapes
- Brilliant Form
- Figures of Game
- Handful
- Mastered
- Men of the Match
- The Play
- Great Point
- Marching Orders
- JBD Rates Galway Players Showings
- Marks System
- Crystal Ball
- We Were Sorry
- Facts of the Game
- Old Soldiers
- Suggestions
- Galway's Glory at Croke Park
- Pathetic Galway No Match for Wexford in Semi–Final
- Sports and Pastimes, The Connacht Tribune, 26th August 1933
- Thrilling All–Ireland Final
- When the Menlo Crew Won
- Famous Western Boxer Knocked Out Only By Gene Tunney
- Feis Connacht — Three Day Programme for Early June — Industrial Exhibition
- Galway Feis-Tighe
- Old Rivals in All–Ireland S.H. Title — Fit Galway Could Shock Confident Wexford
- Pen Pictures of the Men Who Will Don the Galway Jerseys
- West Galway Harriers Club Formed in Galway — Lady Appointed Master
Towns of Galway
- Athenry
- Ballinasloe Town and Parish 1585 to 1855
- The Country of the Trenches
- The Origin of the Fair
- The Church in the Seventeenth Century
- The Eighteenth Century
- The Earls of Clancarty
- The Growth of the Town
- The Development of the Fair
- Language and Education
- The Nineteenth Century
- The Farming Society of Ireland
- Industries
- The Town Commissioners
- The Ballinasloe Union Agricultural Society
- Education and Religion
- The Famine and After
- The Claddagh Ring
- The Claddagh Ring
- Death and Funeral of Dr. Wm. Rutherford, Ballinasloe
- Dunmore
- Loughrea
- [Miscellaneous]
- Old Galway — Memories of the Old Claddagh? Or is it Shantalla?
- Village of Crazy Homes Famed Irish Beauty Spot Doomed
- Williamstown — History Marched Down Its Streets
- Ahascragh and Castle Gar
- Bridged: An 800 Year Gap in Tuam's History
- Castle Left to Nation — Historic Seat of Galway Tribes Family
- The Claddagh
- The Claddagh Residents
- Clancarty Estate, Ballinasloe
- Down by the Claddagh
- Galway's Claddagh — The beginning of the End — The Last Days of the Claddagh
- Guinness in the Claddagh Basin
- Kilconnell: Inventory of the Abbey of Kilconnell
- Long Felt Want
- Loughrea
- Old Galway
Part XXV
- Deasy's Thumbs Down to Tuam
- [Miscellaneous]
- Notes on the Foundation of the Diocese of Tuam
- St Mary's Cathedral, Tuam
- Traders in Tuam in 1823
- Tuam in Olden Days
- Tuam: More Hope After Meeting With Tánaiste
- Tuam Schools in the Nineteenth Century
- Tuam to be Axed at Christmas?
- Tuam's High Cross: Will it be allowed to Rot?
- Christmas Joy in Town Despite Redundancy Threat — Tuam Sugar Factory Saved
- Comerford on Tuam's Future
- Deasy to View Factory Next Week
- Doctor Mannix and Tuam
- Government Rescue Verdict on Friday
- "If We Were In The East Of The Country, There Would Be No Doubt About Tuam"
- Imported Sugar Floods Into Shops
- It's Curtains for Tuam in Shock Report
- June 9 New D-Day for Tuam Sugar Factory
- Position of Cross is Precarious
- Sugar Factory Closure Shock
- Tuam Fights Shock Plans
- Tuam — Old Graveyard
- Very Reverend Canon Dalton
- Workhouse in Tuam
War of Independence
- All Police Stations in the County Almost Destroyed
- At 4 am Houses Burned and Old Man Shot at Shrule — Blacksmith's Story — Pathetic Scene between Mother and Son Described
- Ballinasloe District Council Adjourns
A Dawn of Terror
- Introduction
- The story in Detail — Scenes of Terror Described
- Red Ruin and Terror
- Mr. Neville's Story "Have You Made an Act of Contrition?"
- A Mother Faints
- A Wife's Terrible Ordeal
- The Protest Meeting
- The Archbishop Intervened — District Inspector's Reply to His Grace's Representations
- A Protest and Demand Letter to General Macready
- General Macready's Reply
- His Grace's Horror
- An Unfounded Allegation
- Lamp Shot From Lady's Hand
- No Jurors at Inquest — Head-Constable Bowles on the Attitude of the Town People
- In Tuam, Wednesday Afternoon
- The Town Hall Attacked — Further Details — Constable Leaves Barracks in Stockinged Feet
- Policeman Leaves the Force
- D. I. Leaves for Dublin
- The Destroyed Property
- Latest from Tuam — Assurance Given to Archbishop
- Special Telegram
- Tuam, Thursday
- Archbishop's Reply to General Macready
- Father Griffin C.C. Missing
- Father Griffin's Remains Taken to Loughrea — Impressive Church Scenes — All Classes Horrified at the Awful Crime
Feared Reprisals — Tension in Galway on Saturday Night
- Shots on the Street
- Last Night's Scenes — Man Alleged to Have Been Assaulted by Police
- Funeral of Mr. Laurence Lydon
- Urban Council Threat to the Town Steward — Employment of —Ex-service Men — A breeze with Mr. Binns over the Tractor — The Wrecking of Oranmore
- Constables Shoot Comrade — Tragedy of Two Patrols near Gort
- Tragedy and Terror — Young Constable Shot Dead at Merlin Park
- Reprisals Follow in Oranmore.
- Frightened Inhabitants Flee to Mountains.
- Graphic Stories.
- Public House, Residence and Band-Room Burned.
- Houses Shot and Wrecked.
- Full Details of the Merlin Park Ambush.
- Inquest, Verdict, and References in the Churches.
- The War upon the Police
- The Merlin Park Ambush
- Heroic Priest — Fund to Erect Monument to Fr Griffin, Murdered in 1920
- Horrible Outrage Near Gort. A Woman Killed with Child in her Arms.
- Introduction
- Priest's Anguish
- It is Awful.
- I Have Been Shot
- A Mother's Anxiety for her Children
- Im Done! Im Done!
- Prayers for the Dead
- Gort Mother's Death. Chief Secretary and the Co. Galway Horror. Resentment at Question by English Member.
- Court of Inquiry. Driver's Evidence
- When They Would Fire
- Verdict at Military Inquiry
- Inquiry on the Late Fr. Griffin
- Military Terrorism — Random Shots for Three Hours in Tuam
- Murder of Fr. Griffin
- Orgy of Reprisal in Tralee
Police Attack Tuam
- Carrying Fire and Destruction
- £100,000 Damage
- Shops Fired Into
- The Reward of Friendliness
- Archbishop's Action Demand for Reparation
- Bombing and Shooting — What the Archbishop of Tuam Feared and Saw
- Galway Summer Assizes — Very Few Jurors Attend — Collapse of Crown Cases — Display of Military
- The Criminal Cases
- Tuesday
- Sentences
- Lord Dudley's Great Sorrow
A Tale of Terror — Part of Tuam in Ruins — Fearful Destruction of Property — The Police Get Out of Hand — Details of the Destruction — The Town Hall Wrecked — "Police got out of hand."
- "Not a Soldier's Job."
- "Have You Made an Act of Contrition"
- Lamp Shot Out of Hand
- The Archbishop's Letter
- Bombing and Shooting — What the Archbishop Feared and Saw
- People's Good Conduct
- General MacCready's Reply to Archbishop
- Certainly Deplorable
- Inquest Abortive — No Jury Attending, the Inquest on Constables Burke and Caney Fell Through
- Notes on the Outbreak
- The Houses Attacked
- Thousands Pay Tribute to Memory of Larry Lardner — Memorial Unveiled in Athenry Graveyard
Two Constables Killed Near Tuam
- Deserters Caught — Irish Volunteers End Deserters in Tipperary
- Shots in Swinford
- [Trial in Derry]
- Colonel Smyth Shot in Cork
- Rapid and Daring
- Guarding the Stairs
- The Inspector's Wounds
- Not Disguised
- "As round our Blazing Fire"
- Bank Notes (Ireland) Bill
- Constable Shot Dead — Chauffeur Gagged and Tied to a Gate — Patrol Ambushed
- German's Sign — Scene at Spa Conference — Little Respect for the Allies
- Patrol Ambushed
- Land for Irish Ex-Service Men
- Spiddal Man-s Death — Convictions at Derry Assizes
- Week of Blood — Terrible Stories of Tragedy and Honour — D. I. Shot Dead — One Policeman Killed and Three Injured in Auburn Ambush
- Barbarism of Black and Tans at Gort Recalled
- Big Cork Ambush
- Doctor O'Dea and Military Discipline
- English Correspondent Experience in Ireland
- The Hope of the Future
- Houses Raided for Arms — Police and Military Search in Tuam
- Memorial to Rev Father Griffin
- Midnight Drama
- The Old I.R.A. — The Army Pension Act — Address by Mr. Keeley, T. D.
- Sentences — Results of Recent Court Martial at Galway — Six Months for Acting as Republican Policeman
- Ten Years Ago — Patriot Priest's Tragic End — Crozier's Memoirs of Murder of Father Griffin
- Unity and Patience